Sub: Child Care Leave to Central Government employees – regarding
The undersigned is directed to say that subsequent to issue of this Department OM of even number dated 07/09/2010, this Department has been receiving references from various Departments. seeking clarifications. The doubts raised are clarified as under
1. Whether Earned Leave availed for any purpose can be converted into Child Care Leave? How should applications where the purpose of availing leave has been indicated as ‘Urgent Work’ but the applicant claims to have utilized the leave for taking care of the needs of the child. be treated?
Child Care Leave is sanctioned to women employees having minor children, for rearing or for looking after their needs like examination, sickness etc. Hence Earned Leave availed specifically for this purpose only should be converted.
2. Whether all Earned Leave availed irrespective of number of days i.e. less than 15 days, and number of spells can he converted? In cases where the CCL spills over to the next year ‘(for example 30 days CCL from 27thDecember), whether the Leave should be treated as one spell or two spells?
No. As the instructions contained in the OM dated 7.9.2010 has been given retrospective effect all the conditions specified in the OM would have to be for fulfilled conversion of the Earned Leave into Child Care Leave. In cases where the leave spills over to the next ear, it may be treated as one spell against the year in which the leave commences.
3. Whether those who have availed Child Care Leave for more than 3 spells with less than 15 days can avail further Child care leave for the remaining period of the current year?
No. As per the OM of even number dated 7.9.2010, Child Care Leave may not be granted in more than 3 spells. Hence CCL may not be allowed more than 3 times irrespective of the number of days or times Child Care Leave has been availed earlier. Past cases may not be reopened.
4. Whether LTC can be availed during Child Care leave?
LTC cannot be availed during. Child Care leave as Child Care Leave is granted for the specific purpose of taking care of a minor child for rearing or for looking after any other needs of the child during examination, sickness etc.
(Simmi R.Nakra)
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Under no circumstances can any employee proceed on CCL without prior approval of the Leave sanctioning authority. As per this rule position CCL may not be extended. But CCL may be combined with leave of the kind due and admissible – Read Child Care leave Conditions
Can CCL be extended for another period on its expiry? If so, should it be treated as another spell?
Madam . It is stipulated that CCL cannot be granted without prior approval. It appears that Department HQrs are not permitting extending CCL based on this condition. As of now there is no other clarification /interpretation regarding extending of CCL without prior approval. All Updates about CCL available here [ Click to Read ]
I went on sanctioned child care leave and due to some problems extended my leave. After resuming duties i applied for sanction of extended CCL, Officers are not sanctioning due to clarification not available in this regard. Can extension of CCL be sanctioned, if CCL leave is balance ? Pl. reply me urgently……. thank you…
can contract based employee is also eligible for child care leave
im on medical leave for past 45 days due to some gyanea problem can this medical leave converted in im working since 1992 i hv not availed ccl and my younger son has not completed 18 years
LTC cannot be availed during. Child Care leave as Child Care Leave is granted for the specific purpose of taking care of a minor child for rearing or for looking after any other needs of the child during examination, sickness etc.But can we leave the station without claiming LTC with husband on CCL with children as children are dependent on both father and mother.Please reply at the earliest
LTC cannot be availed during. Child Care leave as Child Care Leave is granted for the specific purpose of taking care of a minor child for rearing or for looking after any other needs of the child during examination, sickness etc.But can we leave the station on CCL with children.Please reply at the earliest.
The ccl claimed by me is still under consideration and I had been directed not to proceed on leave without prior sanction. However, since half of the period for which the leave was claimed has already passed can I proceed on leave .
I am working with Kalawatisaran hospital having a child with 75% mental disablity despite repeted request adminstration is reluctant in prpviding CCL
Hi, my wife is central Govt. employee of Postal Department . she is enjoying his meternity leave. she wantleavefor 6 months for child care and she applied only for 6 months but higher officers did not sanctioning her leave showing the reason of shortage of staff. How Can she avail this leave smoothly.Please, guide.
I am a K.V. teacher .My principal does not allow me to take 44 days CCL. My daughter is in class 7.Her Annual Exam is going to start from 21/11/2011.I want to take CCL from 8/11/2011 to 22/12/2011.I want to know the rule of CCL in this regard.Have there any right to cancel my CCL?
I took the child care leave for the exams of my daughter who was in xth std. My husband is working outside delhi. I shifted my residence from south delhi to east delhi. In the absence of my husband I have to take care of my daughter. I extend my child care leave to complete the formalities ( like filling applicatin forms, giving entrance tests, interation with the school authorities , preparing bank draft of fees etc.) of admission of my daughter in XIth std in another school.But my office is not sanctioning the extended CCL giving reason that CCL cannot be given for the admission of the child. Pl. clarify. Can CCL be taken for the admission of the child in another school.
In continuation to Maternity leave, how long we can avail child Care leave whether it is by 15 days for 3 spells or for continuous 6 months period?Please clarify
My daughter is studying in engeering college,but she has not completed 18 years of ,can i take CCl?
during the probation time, can i take child care leave
Hi, I am a central Govt. employee of Postal Department . Suddenly, I needed for child care leave and applied only for 15(fifteen) days but higher officers did not sanction my leave showing the reason of shortage of staff. But, I practically experienced that there was no shortage of staff in my office. How Can I avail this leave smoothly.Please, guide.
i would like to have clarification for the following:
this belongs to the case where both the parents are employees and posted at different stations. the children are with one parent due to this situation.
sometimes, the presessing responsibilities of father would not allow caring of childrent and demand presense of mather for longer time say more than 15 days.
in case the mother proceeds on CCL for 15 days and extends leave for further period say one month. if the leave extension is not granted, what shall she do!
in this situation, the mother can not leave the children to no one’s rescue and join the duty.
hence, i would like to know, how CCL helps in this kind of situations.
is there any provision of CCL for industiral female employees. I am working as an Instrument Mechanic in HQ Base Wksp GP EME
I have applied CCL for a period of 5 months to take care of my child who is only 6 months old & the doctors advised to keep her on mother feed only for next 6 months atleast. After so many follow-ups & queries, i got a leave of 1 month only. Kindly tell us in which case we can avail and which case we can not?
Please advise at the earliest.
i availed EL from 14.05.2009 to 11.08.2009 in continuation of maternity leave , whether that EL can be converted into CCL
i am central govt. employee having a child of 3 months and i availed 6 months maternity leave now how many days more leave i am entitled as per new rule.
CCL is mockery with the system .it is joke with the reccomdations of 6th pay commision,any countary does not have these type of frreebiees .ccl should be withdrawn is tight slap on the faces of male employees,who are performing their duties better than female employees in any office .
what can we do if the principal dont sanction child care leave.i have been transfered to hard station due to which i cant take my children along with me.i am teacher in kendriya children are in IX $ X class so i need CCL FOR their studies.please guide.
I am a Teacher in M.C.D. School.My Department Is Not Granting Me THE CHILD CARE LEAVE.What should I do in this regard?
whether station can be leave with children during child care leave
I have completed/availed the child care leave for 19 days. Now I want to extent it for another 20 days. Can continuous extention is possiable. Or I have to fresh apply for child care leave. Please suggest me the procedure.
Eversince the provision of Child care leave has started, there have been many representations to the Govt. regarding extending the benefit of such leave to male employees as well. Is a male employee not responsible for care of his children ? Moreover, since the CCL envisages full salary for the women employees, it becomes frustating for the male employees who have to sweat out in the office working additionally in lieu of their female counterparts, who reap such benefits at home. One more question, Whose Idea was this regarding CCL and why stepmotherly treatment to male employees ? These questions need to reply by the Govt. Would an RTI help?
Is maternity leave could combine with child care leave without joining after maternity leave.
My colleague went on sanctioned child care leave and due to some problems she extended her leave. After resuming duties she applied for sanction of extended CCL, Officers are not sanctioning due to clarification not available in this regard. Can extension of CCL be sanctioned, if CCL leave is balance ? Pl. reply me urgently……. thank you…
can you clearify that a contract employee of govt organisation can avail peternity leave of fifteen days?
my younger child is 15 yrs old how many ccl can i take till he attains the age of 18.
can we avail 2nd saturday, sunday and g. holidays as prefix or suffix with child care leave?
is there any provision to appoint substitute against child care leave
It is requested that the name CHILD CARE LEAVE should be changed as personal care leave becos self should be fit enough, it is then only she can look after the child.Any how the leave should be made applicable to all central government employees irrespective of gender,family status.
can a woman employee be recalled from CCL before the termination of CCL on account of transfer / posting due..?
Hi, I am working in central Govt. office. I applied for CCL four times in view of townward trend in studies of my children, but was not granted stating reason due to shortage of staff. Lastly, I went on leave without got sanction the same CCL even after denying by the officer without any reason. I was ready to look after my seat during my leave as per my convenience but the officers were not agreed. What can I do.
It may be clarified that Child care leave can be aviled by a Female govt servant upto the age of 18 years of children or otherwise. The same may be clarified please urgently.
can any body leave station taking CCL or visit abroad stating that the child is accompanying for a change in mood.
Thanks for Child care Leave.But male officers feels that they are sanctioning leave from their pocket. It is always mentioned that leave is not your right. If so when any employee accumulates on their leave account 300 days (but now it is total 360 days due to the facility of 10 days encashment) their right towards accumulating ends. In the same way they do not have any right to take any extra leave i.e. which is said to have lapses. the question of lapse does not arise because your right is gone over. and the leave cannot be overflowed.So after so many confusion the leave declared for the benefits of women employee mat be extended to men also to take care of the child during March 08 2011. Parents means both mother and father.Please make a clear order without using any etc. because the employees or very clever in the etc we can accumulate any reason as the CCL is to be treated as EL The clarity without any confusion may be announced.There are some women employees whose child is in hostel and they cannot take leave for the reason sickness/examination. but they need to take care when the child comes and stays with their parents during the hostel holidays. For sickness reason the child sickness will not prolonged or it cannot be predicted. so prior sanction of CCL is not relevant. examinations can be predicated only a weak ago. So A fresh order and clrifications is a must.
Can EL for any no. of days may be converted to CCL if the purpose of leave was to take care of children