Sub: – Incentive for acquiring higher Scientific/Accounts/Technical Qualification of Group ‘C’ employees.
Reference Board’s letter No. E(NG)l-2008/IC-2/1 dated 21.02.2008 regarding incentive to Group ‘C employee who acquired the specified qualifications prior to 01,07.1988. A question has arisen as to whether the benefit as extended under Board’s letter ibid may be extended to Group ‘C’ employees who had acquired the requisite qualification before the cut off dates, but retired subsequently without availing the additional benefit
2. The matter has accordingly been considered by the Board and it has been decided that Group ‘C’ staff who acquired the requisite qualification prior to the cut off date i.e. prior to 01.07.88 and retired subsequently without availing the benefit1 may also be granted additional increments w.e.f. 04 05.1990 as per their entitlements.
3. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of Railway Board.
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