financial up gradation under MACP to Running Staff

(Railway Board)

No PC-V/2010/MACP/4/fed New Delhi, dated 31-05-2011

The General Secretary
4, State Entry Road,
New Delhi-110055


Sub:-Resolution No.6:- financial up gradation under MACP to Running Staff.

The undersigned is directed to refer to AIRF’s D.O No. AIRF/55(116), dated 06-05-2011 on the above subject and to state that a reference has been made to DoP&T, the nodal department of Govt. on MACP regarding how the cases of MACPS be regulated where promotional post is also in same Grade Pay.Reply from DoP&T is still awaited and a final reply would be communicated on receipt of the same from DoP&T.

Yours faithfully,
for Secretary/ Railway Board


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4 thoughts on “financial up gradation under MACP to Running Staff”

  1. joined service as jr hindi translator on august 2001 in the accountant general office.hyderabad. from 2003 november onwards working on deputation basis in p and t office,chennai. i had refused promotion in 2005 due to personal reasons. whether i am entitled for macp w.e.f august 2011.

  2. I had joined a school on 1-8-2002 and i will be completing my 10 years this year but I have been given that I was below goo in the year 2007-2008 an 2010-2011. will i get MACP and what should I do now?

  3. I received my third promotion to Office Supdt on 1.3.2006 before the 6th PC orders. While fixing the paying on 6th PC my promotion was ignored stating that the grade pay for Asst and Office Supdt was same. I would like to know if i am eligible for third MACP as I have completed 40 years of service and retired in Mar 2007?

  4. marshal fernandes

    DoA :05. 09.91
    1st promotion july 1996
    2nd promotion may 2006
    Promotion refused in 2006
    In same grade from 1996 till date. Is MACP/ fin. Upgradation applicable
    Please reply.

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