Empanelled Hospitals Under CGHS – Ministry for Health and Family Welfare

Empanelled Hospitals Under CGHS – Ministry for Health and Family Welfare

CGHS empanels private hospitals and diagnostic laboratories through tender process issued from time to time. E- Tenders have been invited vide Tender Notice dated 22 / 23rd January, 2014 from private hospitals and diagnostic centres for empanelment. The detailed terms and conditions for empanelment under CGHS are available on the CGHS website at http://msotransparent.nic.in/cghsnew/index.asp

Empanelment of Bapu Nature Cure Hospital Yogashram, Delhi under CGHS was suspended for deficiency in service w.e.f .12/09/2012. Suspension has been revoked wef 7/5/2013 after re-inspection.

Max Devki Devi Hospitals, New Delhi has informed that they would not provide credit facility and their empanelment was suspended wef 13/2/2013.

Max Super specialty hospital did not want to continue empanelment after completion of period under MOA and was removed from CGHS panel wef 13/2/2013.

St. Stephen’s Hospitals did not want to continue empanelment after completion of period under MOA and was removed from CGHS panel wef 5/4/2013.

Escort’s Heart Institute did not want to continue empanelment after completion period under MOA and was removed from CGHS panel wef 13/2/2013.

Action Balaji Institute , Delhi did not want to continue empanelment after completion of period under MOA and was removed from CGHS panel wef 5/4/2013.

Dr. Garg’s Multi Speciality Hospital was removed from CGHS panel wef 18/12/2012 for irregularities in billing.

Orthonova Hospital, New Delhi was removed from CGHS panel for deficiency in service wef 18/12/2012.

Jain Neurological Centre was suspended from CGHS panel wef 18/12/2012 for deficiencies in facilities. Subsequently it was re-inspected and the empanelment was restored wef 26/7/2013

Kalra Hospital was suspended from CGHS panel wef 18/12/2012 for deficiencies in facilities. Subsequently it was re-inspected and the empanelment was restored wef 9/4/2013.

There were complaints of refusal of providing credit facility by Saket Hospital and their empanelment was suspended wef 13/9/2013.The empanelment has since been restored after inspection wef 28/1/2014.

Requests are received from time to time for reinstatement of suspended hospitals and action is taken on merits.

This was stated by Shri Ghulam Nabi Azad, Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare in a written reply to the Lok Sabha today.

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