Terms of reference of Kamalnathan Committee
Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
The Government has constituted an Advisory Committee under the Chairmanship of Shri CR. Kamalanathan for State Government employees other than All India Services, in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 80 of the Andhra Pradesh Reorganization Act, 2014, with effect from 29.3.2014.
The terms of reference of the Advisory Committee are as under:
(i) To delineate objective and transparent criteria for the allocation / distribution of personnel belonging to the State Government employees borne on the existing cadres of different services of Andhra Pradesh between the two successor States namely Andhra Pradesh and Telangana;
(ii) To determine the cadre strength and further subdivide it into various categories for different services under the State Government i.e. Direct Recruitment Quota and Promotion Quota wise; Unreserved, OBC, SC and ST for the two successor States namely Andhra Pradesh and Telangana arising out of the existing State of Andhra Pradesh;
The recommendation of the Advisory Committee in this regard should be finalized only after the Committee places its principles of determination along with the actual cadre strength proposed on the website of the State Governments for a reasonable period, so as to allow comments/representations to be made thereon and the Committee takes a view on the issues that may be raised by the stakeholders. Also, once the cadre strength is determined on this basis, shortages in different services in the undivided State of Andhra Pradesh vis-a-vis their present cadre strength should be distributed pro-rata between the successor States so that neither State is at a disadvantage.
(iii) To recommend specific individual allocation/distribution of State Government employees accordingly;
(iv) To consider any representations made by a State Government employee (s) who is/are affected by such allocation / distribution in order to ensure a fair and equitable treatment to all and make appropriate recommendations, if any.
Dr. Jitendra Singh, MoS (PPG&P) gave this information in Lok Sabha today in a written reply to a question by Shri M. Raja Mohan Reddy and Shrimati Butta Renuka.
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