Announce the Dearness Allowance from January 2015: BPMS to FM
The BPMS has requested Finance Minister to declare the Dearness Allowance from January 2015. Since this federation is affiliated to BMS which is a trade union wing of Bharatiya Janata Party, bapus believe, its prayer would be answered positively by the central government.
BPMS in its letter dated 1.4.2015, invited the attention of the Finance Minister that the Ministry of Finance has not yet announced the rate of dearness allowance payable from 01.01.2015. This was not only creating financial hardships but creating discontentment amongst the employees also. It has been mentioned in the letter that it was the practice of the Finance Ministry to declare the Dearness allowance hike payable from January to central Government employees, in the month of March. Therefore it requested finance ministry to declare the dearness allowance without any delay. The copy of the letter is given below
Bharatiya Pratiraksha Mazdoor Sangh
(An All India Federation of Defence Workers)
Ref: BPMS/MOF/DA/190(8/2/L)
Dated: 1.4.2015
The Finance Minister,
Govt of India,
New Delhi.
Subject: Payment of Dearness Allowance w.e.f.01.01.2015
Hon’ble Sir,
With due regards, it is submitted that on the basis of Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers, it has been the previous pratice of the Finance Ministry that it declares the Dearness Allowance upto the last week of March payable to Central Government employees with effect from 1st January of the year.
But this year the Ministry of Finance has not yet announced the rate of dearness allowance payable from 01.01.2015. This is not only creating financial hardships but creating discontentment amongst the employees also.
Therefore, you are requested to take appropriate action so that all the Central Government employees may get their legitimate justify of cuurent rate of DA without further delay.
Thanking you.
Sincerely yours,
General Secretary
Source: BPMS
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Mr. Padmanaban
“Due to late of announcement DA I Thinks Merger 50%basic pay with Da would be possible”
They need strong KICK.. Let BIHAR try
Finance Ministry headed by Mr. Jatly : a defeated candidate from Punjab because he is supported by BJP
Hi Mazdoor Sangh BJP is also behaving like BRITISHERS
& we must teach them a lesson if continued our prayers will kill such heads of BJP
Due to late of announcement DA I Thinks Merger 50%basic pay
with Da would be possible