Central Secretariat Services (CSS) officers organized a massive protest in Railway Bhawan against the recommendations of the Seventh Pay Commission which they termed as “injustice to the CSS officers”.
The agitation, held on December 8, aimed at achieving better pay for CSS officers against the recommendations of the 7th CPC, their Cadre review, grant of NFU, amendment to CSS Rules and change in nomenclature.
A spokesperson of CSS forum tells Bureaucracy Today, “The ‘vested interests’ in the 7th CPC have attempted to put the institution of Central Secretariat down to occupy the positions of Assistant (Secretariat Officers), Section Officer (Assistant Secretary) for their ancillary services supporting them and Under Secretary (Deputy Director), Deputy Secretary (Joint Director) and Director for themselves as at the level of Deputy Secretary and Director are reserved for Central Secretariat Services and the rest are for Central Staffing Scheme.”
He further said that replacement pay level given to Assistants of CSS (Group-B) is Rs 4200 but the 7th CPC has “grossly erred” in recommending replacement of Inspectors of CBDT and CBEC (Group-C) Rs 4600 who are also recruited through the same Combined Graduate Level Exam
The spokesperson further told Bureaucracy Today, “The DOPT had sent a recommendation to change nomenclature of Assistants of the CSS and LDC and UDC of the CSCS but the 7th CPC has not uttered a single word on that. The DOPT also gave two increments on promotion from US to DS grade and this dispensation was continued for a long time. However, the 7th CPC has recommended abolition of this provision. Also, surprisingly the gap of the pay between Deputy Secretary and Director has been maintained the same, that is, Director will draw almost 1.5 times of the pay of Deputy Secretary even though the duties and responsibilities of both are the same.”
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Nobody is their to address the issue of LDC/UDC in any government. The LDC/UDCs are their for only to work, perk is only given to Officers, Lab.Tech, Nursing staff every year and year. I Wonder why Govt. and authorities are crushing and hammering LDC/UDC. The MACP system has made great injustice on LDC and UDC. Govt. should give normal ACP to LDC/UDC, we don’t want MACP in present from.
The work culture of Director promoted from the category of Section Officer/Under Secretary/Dy. Secretary is more or less same except Decision making responsibility. We can call the promote Director as Glorified Senior Section Officer and therefore the difference of pay between Under Secretary, Deputy Secretary & Director should be proportionate to their length of service & it should be regulated & ensured from 1-1-2006 by Matrix System now proposed in the 7th Pay Panel Recommendation will definitely relieve heart-burning among Senior Officers in the category of US/DS etc.
The Government of India have issued orders implementing recommendations of Sixth Pay Panel Report with effect from 1-1-2006. As agreed by the GOI, the average benefits to all categories of posts are in the range of about 40% increase in emoluments and on promotion an increase of 3% of basic Pay plus Grade Pay will be taken on promotion to higher post.. This increase of about 100% to 300% in many cases benefitted only to PB4 when compared to pre-revised Pay & allowances prior to 1-1-2006. There is wide gap in the revised Pay between PB3 & PB4 also in other Pay Bands. The following simple statement as per Fitment Table speak for itself, the wide gap between PB3 & PB4:
Rs. 15,200 (S-19) ————– Rs.34,880 + increased GP
Rs. 15,000 (S-20) ————– Rs.35,550 + increased GP
Rs. 15,100 (S-24) ————– Rs.47,230 + increased GP
Rs. 15,100 (S-25) ————– Rs.48,390 + increased GP
Rs. 15,200 (S-28) ————– Rs.48,530 + increased GP
If you look at the above statement for a pre-revised basic pay in the pay range of Rs.15,000/- there is vast difference in the revised pay fitment. The gap should be reduced drastically from 1-1-2006 based on length of service one put in a category etc. In many cases. Senior Officers put in more than 30 years of Service getting less emoluments/Pension when compared to many junior Officers after implementation of Sixth Pay Panel Report from 1-1-2006. The suggestion to Govt. is that length of Service in a category coupled with duties & responsibilities should be given its due weight-age to relieve heart-burning among Senior Officers of Non-IAS cadre and similarly placed Officers in other Ministries. In many cases the increase in emoluments ranging about more than 100% to 300% in PB 3 & PB 4 posts. Due weight age should be given to PB 3 category with effect from 1-1-2006 by applying Matrix system as proposed now & regulate the difference between Dy. Secretary & Director and so on from 1-1-2006