Providing option of more Life Cycle Funds to the NPS subscribers


For Public and Stakeholders Comments

1. The Expert Committee headed by Shri G. N. Bajpai was constituted in September 2014 to review investment guidelines for NPS in Private Sector with various terms of reference. One of the TORs was to reviewing the default scheme viz Life Cycle Fund.

2. The recommendations of EXPERT COMMITTEE TO REVIEW INVESTMENT GUIDELINES FOR NPS SCHEMES IN PRIVATE SECTOR handed over its report to PFRDA. The committee has given following deliberation on the said TOR as below:

“On the road to Prudent investor regime, the Regulator may, in the interim allow introduction of a few new schemes to test the risk appetite of the subscribers and build their confidence in asset classes perceived to be riskier viz Equity through the life Cycle fund approach. While the existing life cycle Fund shall continue to be the one with maximum investment in equity pegged at 50% (option LC50), more life cycle funds (at least two more to begin with) may be introduced keeping the core principle of “decreasing risk appetite with increasing age” intact with lower and higher ceilings in Equity to cater to both conservative subscriber and subscriber with a higher risk appetite.”

3. Further, one of the measure suggested by the said committee is to shift away from the fixed income fixated investment pattern and allowing more play to pension fund managers in equity, as a part of first phase to move to Prudential investor regime:-

“Allowing floating of life cycle funds with equity cap at 75%”.

4. Presently, NPS provides Life Cycle Fund option to the NPS subscriber with equity allocation up to 35 years is 50%. The agewise allocation of the Fund in these two Life Cycle Fund across the asset class ‘E’ , ‘C’ and ‘G’ is as under:-

DOWNLOAD TO READ MORE  : PFRDA Concept Paper on Life Cycle Fund

Source : PFRDA

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