Clarification in the name of pensioner/family pensioner

Stoppage of use of abbreviations in the name of Pensioner/Family Pensioner in Fresh & Revision Special Seal Authorities and PPOs

वित्त मन्‍त्रालय MINISTRY OF FINANCE
केन्द्रीय पेंशन लेख कार्यालय CENTRAL PENSION ACCOUNTING OFFICE
त्रिकूट-II भीकाजी कामा प्लेस TRIKOOT-II, BHIKAJI CAMA PLACE,
नई दिल्‍ली NEW DELHI-110066

CPAO/IT&Tech/Corres. with PAO/35 (Vol-II)/2022-23/233



Sub:- Stoppage of use of abbreviations in the name of Pensioner/Family Pensioner in Fresh & Revision Special Seal Authorities and PPOs- reg.

Central Pension Accounting Office (CPAO) has been receiving various cases regarding clarification in the name of pensioner/family pensioner. Where instead of using full details/name of pensioner/family pensioner, the abbreviations are being used, which result in mismatch in the details/name of concerned individual and cause hardship to CPAO and PDA in authorizing and disbursing the pension/family pension. This problem arises due to abbreviations used by PAO, leading to mismatch of data in PPO/SSA/Bank account and other documentary records. To avoid mismatching of data, PAOs need to mention full name/details of pensioner/family pensioner in PPO and revision authority as per service records only and no abbreviation should be used.

  1. In view of above, all the Pr. CCAs/CCAs/CAs/AGs are requested to issue instructions to PAOs under their control to follow the above mentioned instructions for smooth disbursement of pension/family pension.

This issues with the approval of the Chief Controller (Pensions).

Sr. Accounts Officer (IT & Tech)

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