Latest CG Employees News

Latest news about central government employees, Retirement age increase ,expected DA from July 2020 and DOPT Orders , Pensioner News will be updated daily

Licence fee for General Pool Office Accommodation (GPOA) from 01.04.2023 to 31.03.2026

Licence fee for General Pool Office Accommodation (GPOA) to be recovered from Banks, Post offices, private persons, Non-Government Organizations and ineligible/ commercial departments from 01.04.2023 to 31.03.2026 Licence fee recoverable

Licence fee for General Pool Office Accommodation (GPOA) from 01.04.2023 to 31.03.2026 Read More »

Redeployment and Surplus Management System (RSMS)-Online reporting of vacancies to Surplus Cell under CCS (Redeployment of Surplus Staff) Rules 1990

Redeployment and Surplus Management System (RSMS)-online reporting of vacancies to Surplus Cell of Department of Personnel & Training (dopt surplus cell) under CCS (Redeployment of Surplus Staff) Rules 1990 CCS

Redeployment and Surplus Management System (RSMS)-Online reporting of vacancies to Surplus Cell under CCS (Redeployment of Surplus Staff) Rules 1990 Read More »

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