7th CPC Fitment Formula

Fitment Formula will be recommended by 7th Pay Commission to arrive the revised Pay Scale. It will be calculated by Adding the rate of DA and proposed increase in 7th CPC Pay

Websites post unwanted article on 7th pay commission Minimum Wage, Fitment Formula and Wage Hike

Sri. P.S.Prasad, General secretary, Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers Karnataka State has opined that some News websites and blogs are posting unwanted article on 7th pay commission Minimum Wage,

Websites post unwanted article on 7th pay commission Minimum Wage, Fitment Formula and Wage Hike Read More »

7th Pay Commission may offer 30 to 40 percent of Pay hike. Then what is the Fitment Formula and How much cg staff can get?

7th Pay Commission may offer 30 to 40 percent of Pay hike. Then what is the Fitment Formula and How much cg staff can get?

7th Pay Commission may offer 30 to 40 percent of Pay hike. Then what is the Fitment Formula and How much cg staff can get? Read More »

7th Pay commission Pay Calculator based on NCJCM Proposal and Expected Fitment formula

To calculate the total salary supposed to get from 7th CPC recommendation, we need to have rate of all allowances. So we decided to go with the Proposal of NCJCM Staff Side submitted to 7th pay commission. we thought that preparing a calculator based on this proposal can serve it purpose. So accordingly the calculator is designed

7th Pay commission Pay Calculator based on NCJCM Proposal and Expected Fitment formula Read More »

7th CPC Minimum wage and Fitment Formula worked out by Staff Side NCJCM is Justified

7th CPC Minimum wage and Fitment Formula worked out by Staff Side NCJCM is Justified Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers Karnataka State has posted an article in its

7th CPC Minimum wage and Fitment Formula worked out by Staff Side NCJCM is Justified Read More »

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