Author name: G. Buvaneswari

Interested in Blogging and worked with govt Organisations

Home quarantine Guidelines for contacts of COVID-19 Cases

Detection of a travel related/unrelated suspect case of novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID19) will be followed by rapid isolation of such cases in designated health facilities and line listing of all contacts of such cases. Home quarantine is applicable to all such contacts of a suspect or confirmed case of COVID-19

Home quarantine Guidelines for contacts of COVID-19 Cases Read More »

Attendance of Central Govt officials in view of Covid-19

Physical attendance of the officers of the level of Under Secretary or equivalent and below to be restricted to 50% of the actual strength. secretary/HOD may regulate the attendance of officials and may, on administrative grounds, direct more officials to attend office. A roster may be prepared accordingly

Attendance of Central Govt officials in view of Covid-19 Read More »

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