There should not be any doubt that salary for the month of July onward will be based on 7th CPC recommendations
Yesterday we have reported that CG Employees want NJCA to Clarify their doubts regarding 7th CPC implementation. AIRF today published a post in its official website , in which it has been informed that Finance Ministry will notify 7th Pay Commission soon and there should not be any doubt that salary for the month of July onward will be based on 7th CPC recommendations. The Post is reproduced below..
Finance Ministry to notify 7th Pay Commission soon
There should not be any doubt that salary for the month of July onward will be based on 7th CPC recommendations approved by the government on 29th June, 2016 with only change that, all the allowances, as admissible at present, will continue till report of various committees set up for different purposes are finalized. Gazette Notification for the same is expected today or early next week…….

Dated: July 8, 2016
The General Secretaries,
All Affiliated Unions,
Dear Comrades,
Unwanted queries are being pouring in this office; regarding payment of 7th CPC based salaries from current month or otherwise.
There should not be any doubt that salary for the month of July onward will be based on 7th CPC recommendations approved by the government on 29th June, 2016 with only change that, all the allowances, as admissible at present, will continue till report of various committees set up for different purposes are finalized. Gazette Notification for the same is expected today or early next week.
Please disseminate this information down the line, so that direct queries from AIRF Office should stop.
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Before 6th CPC the percentage for JE selection was 50%for staff of artisan. But in 6th CPC it was reduced to 25 %only, resulting the closer of promotional avenue of we artisan staff of workshops, loco shades or other departments. However leaders of AIRF &NFIR have assured to bringback the old ratio then . But nothing was done. Workers should take lessons from the attitudes of union leaders and to teach them lessons in future.
As per Govt of India order, the working employees will be getting their salary based on the recommendation of Cabinet Committee, GoI except other allowances as these are under consideration. Regarding pensioners Govt looked to be silent on the matter. There does not arise any question of allowances in case of pensioners and therefore, it is urged upon the Govt of India to instruct all Banks/other institutions to credit the amount of pension as per 7th CPC based on the the fitment formulae which is on the higher side.
Union leaders are hopeless
How can AIRF use the phrase UNWANTED QUERIES. Its worse than the raunchy statements of media that any raise in the salaries & allowances of CG employees is burden on the exchequer
Why pensioners Federations are silent on Option I issue? Is there any progress on the talks with Govt representatives?
I am agree with your views, unions are only wasting time,it is because all top leadesr are retired persons having no effective programme for employees.
What happens to the salary and allowances from January to June 2016 ?
Will they be based on the 7th PC recommendations ? What has happened to the assurances
that the recommendations will be implemented from January 2016 ?
The way Government is dragging its feet on this issue raises our doubts about its
sincerity. Let not the unions be flummoxed by these vague statements.
Will Pensioners also get Revised Pension w.e.f July 2016? Option to be exercised etc., will delay the Revision indefinitely. The CPPC=s should impose the higher of the two, wherever they are available’
AIRF has clarified hat the salary for the month o July 2016 onwards will be in the new pay of 7 CPC. But, what about the Pension? Any clarification regarding this? or Nobody cares.
*November 2015* में सातवें वेतन आयोग ने रिपोर्ट सौंप दी।
लघुतम वेतन 18000/- और फिटमेंट फैक्टर 2.57 रखा था।
कर्मचारी और यूनियन ने विरोध किया।
फिटमेंट फैक्टर बढाओ और मिनिमम वेतन बढाओ,NPS का हल निकालो नहीं तो हम हड़ताल करेंगे।
सरकार ने सचिव लोगों की 1 कमिटी बनाई, इन सारे मसलों को और कमियों को दूर करने के लिए।
सचिवों की समिति ने रिपोर्ट सौंप दी जून 2016 में,लगभग छह महीनों के बाद।
सरकार ने 7वे वेतन आयोग की घोषणा की और जो नवम्बर 2015 की रिपोर्ट में था वही लागु कर दिया( जिससे यूनियन और कर्मचारी सहमत नहीं थे और हड़ताल पर जाने वाले थे)
फिर यूनियन और सरकार ने 6 जुलाई को मीटिंग की और घोषणा की ,की फिटमेंट फैक्टर और लघुतम वेतन को कितना बढ़ाया जाए इसके लिए उच्चस्तरीय कमिटी का गठन किया जाता है।
यूनियन जोर शोर से प्रचार कर रही है कि सरकार झुक गई,यूनियन काम कर गई।
*लेकिन कई सवाल है*
जब यूनियन ने पहले ही कम वेतन और कम फिटमेंट फैक्टर के बारे में नवम्बर 2015 में ही सूचित किया था जिसपर सचिवों की समिति बनाई गई थी, *उस समिति ने जून 2016 तक क्या किया?*
इससे *1/1/2016 से जून 2016 का HRA का बकाया ( जो नहीं मिलता है) उसका समस्त केंद्रीय कर्मचारी जो HRA पाते है उनका नुकसान हुआ।*
*सिर्फ फिटमेंट फैक्टर और लघुतम वेतन निर्धारित करने के लिए 4 महीने का समय?*
ये बात सामान्य कर्मचारी के भी गले नहीं उतरती, तो NJCA के यूनियन के नेताओं ने इस पर क्यों समझौता कर लिया? आखिर ऐसी क्या मज़बूरी थी उनकी *या कुछ और खेल खेला गया है?*
कर्मचारितों के हितों को ताक पर रखकर सरकार से समझौता करने के पीछे और वो भी अतिरिक्त 4 महीनों का समय देने के पीछे क्या कारण है?
इन सवालों का जवाब उन्हें देना ही पड़ेगा और स्पष्ट करना होगा।
यूनियन के नेताओं पर भरोसा रख के समस्त कर्मचारियों ने हड़ताल पर जाने में सम्मति दी थी, ऐसे नेताओं का अब कौन भरोसा करेगा?
क्या गारंटी है के ये नेता मुसीबत में कर्मचारियों के हितों का ध्यान रखेंगे?
स्वार्थी तत्व और स्वार्थी नेताओं से सचेत रहिए ।