The 46th Meeting of the National Council (JCM) was held on 15th May 2010 under the Chairmanship of Shri K. M. Chandrasekhar, Cabinet Secretary. Representatives of Staff Side and Official Side participated in the meeting.
The Chairman stated that although there has been a long gap between the 45th and 46th meeting of the National Council but there have been continued informal interactions between the staff and official sides. The Chairman then enumerated some of the decisions taken by the Government in the recent past :
• The CCS (Revised Pay) Rules 2008 have been notified vide GSR 622 (E) dated 29th August 2008.
• Instructions have been issued vide O.M. No.1/1/2008-IC dated 30th August 2008 regarding fixation of pay and payment of arrears.
• Instructions regarding revision / re fixation of pension/ family pension have been issued vide O.M. NO. 38/37/08-P&PW dated 1st September 2008.
• Instructions regarding revision in the provisions regulating pension/ gratuity/ commutation of pension/family pension/disability pension/ex-gratia lump sum compensation have been issued vide O.M. No.38/37/08-P&PW dated 2nd September 2008.
• Instructions / guidelines regarding the Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACP) have been issued vide O.M. No.35034/3/2008-Estt (D) dated 19th May 2009.
• Instructions/ guidelines regarding enhancement in the quantum of maternity leave and introduction of Child Care Leave (CCL) to women employees have been issued vide O.M. No.13018/2/2008-Estt. (L) Dated 11th September 2008.
• Instructions / guidelines regarding special casual leave to the Central Government Employees with disabilities have been issued vide O.M. No 25011/1/2008-Estt. (A) Dated 19th November 2008.
• In addition, most of the allowances of the Central Government Employees have been doubled as per the recommendations of the 6th Central Pay Commission.
The staff side made the following observations:
a) Non-matriculate class IV employees who retired or died between January 2006 and August 2008 without any re-training had also been deprived of the benefit of pay fixation in PB-I. Therefore, such employees should be deemed to have been re-trained and extant benefit should be granted to them.
b) Problems are being faced in issuance of the revised PPOs as the disbursing banks are not sending the required advice to the Controller of Accounts.
c) The matter regarding granting of Children Education Allowance to any two children instead of restricting it to the eldest surviving two children was re-iterated.
d) The women industrial employees of the Ministry of Defence have not been sanctioned the CCL and the benefit of enhanced maternity leave had not been given from the date it was sanctioned to the civilian women employees.
e) The risk allowance has been withdrawn w.e.f. 1.4.2009 without introducing any alternative benefit to the employees. Many of the civilian employees are deployed in highly risky and hazardous nature of work, the risk allowance may be continued beyond 1.4.2009 and the same may at least be doubled w.e.f. 1.8.2008.
f) The work load has been increasing whereas the number of employees has been going down. It was also stated that the problem is really acute particularly in the Ministry of Railways. Therefore, there is a need to reconsider the policy of matching savings at the time of creation of new posts.
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My brother who was working as beldar (gourp’D’) employee in CPWD, new delhi. he was matriculate but after his death official of staff says that he was not complete training so his grand pay is Rs 1600. Please tell me the what i can do to increase his grade pay 1600 to 1800
VIth CPC has deliberately wronged LDCs and UDCs by limiting the Grade of Rs.1900 and Rs.2400 respectively to the extent of 40% of their end pay in the pre-revised scale, working in all Central Government Ministries & all Departments. Whereas, VIth CPC granted Group D employees (Lower grade to LDCs) with Grade Pay of Rs. 1800/ – ie, 56% of their end pay (in the pre-revised scale). Similarly, VIth CPC granted Assistants and Office Superintendents wth Grade Pay of Rs.4200/- i.e. 47% of their end pay (in the pre-revised scale). This has resulted in the anomaly of sanction of 12% less Grade Pay to LDCs & UDCs than their subordinates viz. Group D employees. Similarly, 7% less Grade Pay than their immediate seniors. Thus the 6th CPC has done the himalayan error of violating its own policy of granting uniform %age of Grade Pay to all category of employees. The wrath of lakhs of LDCs and UDCs and their families will never accept and forgive such injustice done to the dedicate cader of Indian Government.