CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 – Permission to avail of mileage points earned by Government servants on tickets purchased for official tour/visits and acceptance of ‘Free Companion Ticket’ introduced from time to time by various airlines by Government servants.[ DoPT OM N0.11013/7/2008-Estt. (A) Dated the 9th August, 2010]
The undersigned is directed to refer to Department of Personnel and Training O.M. No. 11013/7/2008-Estt. (A) dated 03.06.2008 on the subject mentioned above (copy enclosed) and to say that references are being received regarding the free Companion/spouse ticket offers in the case of domestic travel extended by the airlines on payment of full fare.
2. In this context, Department of Expenditure have clarified as follows : –
(a) In their OM F.No. 7(1) IE.Coord/2008 dated 01.10.2008 instructions Have been issued regarding :-
(i) Buying the cheapest fare in Economy/Business Class travel, preferably by getting information through the internet.
(ii) Using Corporate Coupons for Economy/Business Class travel through proper planning and coordination.
(b) Instructions for travel on Government account only by Air India were thereafter issued on 13.07.2009. Subsequently, vide OM dated 01.10.2009, all the Ministries/Departments were notified about the packages/ concessions offered by Air lndia for Government of lndia Officials. All the above instructions were intended to effect economy in the matter of expenditure on air travel by Government of lndia officials, while on tours.
(c) In regard to whether the free companion ticket offered by Air India while domestic official tour can be availed of, it may be noted that free companion tickets are provided by the Air lines for domestic travel against full fare tickets only. Purchase of full fare tickets defeats the purpose of instructions issued.
3. It is, therefore, clarified that Government of lndia officials are not expected to purchase full fare Air tickets but instead avail of – (a) the coupon supersaver booklets being offered by Air lndia for Government of lndia officials as notified vide the Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) OM dated 1′ October, 2009;
(b) Supersaver scheme for Business class; or (c) go in for the cheapest Air lndia fare. In the circumstances, free companion/spouse ticket offers in the case of domestic travel, which are made on payment of full fare, cannot be availed of.
4. Accordingly, all Ministries/Departments are advised to ensure compliance of the instructions by all Government servants in this regard.
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