PIL on retirement age of civil servants

A PIL was filed in the Lucknow bench of the Allahabad High Court today, seeking direction to extend the retirement age of officers of India Civil Services from 60 years to at least 65 years.

Neelendra Pandey, a local social worker, stated in his PIL that he is aggrieved with discrepancies in the retirement policy of different government services.

He said IAS, IPS and IFS officers retire at 60 years, while people of about 80 years and sometime even more continue as President, Prime Minister, Governor and Chief Minister, Minister and MLAs.

Professors and doctors of Central universities and institutions like AIIMS retire at 65 and primary school teachers retire at 62, Pandey said while terming the retirement policies as defective and challenging the same.

He requested the court to direct Central government to consider making a universal retirement policy for all public servants.

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3 thoughts on “PIL on retirement age of civil servants”

  1. gurdeep singh

    why everytime judiciary is asked to interve. why politicians and beaurocracy do not act on their own. i think, earlier, beaurocracywas there to administer, and now they are trained and taught management, financialtime, stress etc and so on an the reult is, they are only managing instead of deciding.

  2. It is correct that there is no uniform policy. Let the Govt fix a maximum age limit for retirement and people who want to leave can put VRS. More over the experienced hands are national asset to the Govt if their valuable services are properly utilised.


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