Cadre Review for Bres (Civil Engg.)

The officers and personnel from Army are posted to Border Roads Organisation (BRO) on Extra Regimental Employment (ERE) / tenure posting with the approval of Government from time to time.

The Cabinet Committee on Security, during September 2006 had approved restoration of manpower strength of GREF (BRO) to the 2002 level of 42,646 and 151 new units were required to be raised in GREF (BRO) by March 2009. Against 151 new units sanctioned in restructuring of BRO in September 2006, 133 units have already been raised and balance 18 units are yet to be raised.

After 1987-1988, the strength of BRES (Civil) cadre has substantially increased on restructuring of Border Roads Organisation approved by CCS in September, 2006 as per details given below:-

S/No Name of Post Strength before restructuring Strength after restructuring
(i) ADG(BR) 1 2
(ii) CE(Civ)/Brig 18 28
(iii) SE(Civ)/Col 90 146
(iv) EE (Civ) / Major 171 299
(v) AEE (Civ) / Capt 291 450

However considering the ensuing need of the organisation a fresh cadre review proposal of BRES (Civil) cadre is under process.

This information was given by Defence Minister Shri AK Antony in a written reply to  Smt Kusum Rai in Rajya Sabha today.

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3 thoughts on “Cadre Review for Bres (Civil Engg.)”

  1. BRES cadre is being damaged by ARMY Engineers to serve their vested interest, this is correct if one compare BRES with other cadres of Engineering services exam. This department needs new reforms, the BRES cadre must be dissolved and clubbed it up with cadre of central engineering services(Roads) Group ‘A’ under MorTH as already BRES is under MorTh (but unfortunately adminstered by army), then why to have seperate cadres. This will solve many problems of BRES, one they will get free from the grip of army, another the complain of family and remoteness in BRES cadre will not be their as one can get posting through out India(plains and big cities also) in CES (Roads) Group A cadre, instead of Border and remote areas, thirdly promotion prospects will improve as army people will be blocked to come on deputation, fourthly the crises of engineers in organisation will be solved as in CES Roads Group ‘A’ cadre engineers will serve at all levels from very hard to very soft areas as per the transfer policy and will attract people’s interest to join. But if BRES is not seperated from army then God can only save BRO as govt will not come to know the fact because army will never give correct picture.

  2. BRES cadre is being damaged by ARMY Engineers to serve their vested interest. As a result the effectiveness of GREF( BRO) is getting lost due low morale of its employee. God can only save BRO as govt will not come to know the fact because army will never give correct picture.

  3. Bres is the only gr ‘a’ organised services, whose cadre review is yet to do since 1987. Bres cadre is badly damaged by pre-plan thought, that is why non function upgradation not being implemented yet. God saves bres.

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