Retirement age stays 60, pensioners disappointed

Retirement age stays 60, pensioners disappointed

But some say it’s a good decision

Many city pensioners’ associations awaiting a decision on extension of retirement age of central government employees were disappointed on Monday when the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) decided to keep it at 60 instead of 62.

A senior member from the establishment department of the DoPT told Newsline, “It has not been discussed and we have not issued any orders or have taken any ‘in-principle decision’ on the same.’’

“Though there was no official announcement, the news of the extension of retirement age was widely circulated among the departments,’’ said M Naik, associated with the central government.

B J Piwal, a member of the central government employees for national confederation, said he was disappointed with no extension in the age. “Though we had no news or order from the seniors in the department, news which appeared on the Net about the extension gave us some hope. Two more years would have good,’’ he said.

P K K Unni, a member of the central government association, said one has to think about the unemployed youth who are hoping to get government jobs. “The government is justified in not increasing the age as it will affect youngsters,’’ he said.

The last time the government extended the retirement age of central government employees was in 1998. It was also a two-year extension from 58. This was preceded by the implementation of the Fifth Pay Commission, which had put severe strain on government finances. Subsequently, all the state governments followed the Centre’s policy by extending the retirement age by two years. Public sector undertakings too followed suit.

A certain section of the employees serving in various government establishments feel that the news of the extension was more political with the government facing lot of corruption cases.

P K Raje, another central government employee, said, “The rumour was earlier circulated last year as well. However, even if the government is not extending the age limit, it should recruit more people.’’ He said IMD Pune’s mechanical wing has many vacancies but there has been no news of filling up the posts.
Source: Indian Express

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13 thoughts on “Retirement age stays 60, pensioners disappointed”

  1. As per a study, the future pension outgo for the existing Central and State government employees is estimated at a staggering R1,735,527 crore or 55.88% of GDP at market prices of 2004-05. Government is trying to fill the coffers through Diesel and LPG hike but does not think what benefits increasing retirement age to 62 will make.

  2. ITS A GOOD DISISSION NOT TO ENHANCE RETIREMENT AGE,as younger are more energetic,and new people are more committed to do their duty in general consideration,rather the age should be reduced so that new govt.employment may be increased and retired person may enjoy rest of their life by new venture or just enjoy…

  3. Only selfish people are demanding increase in retirement age. Just think about unemployment in india. Increase in retirement age will also affect promotion aspects of juniors. Retirement age should be 55.

  4. Dolly Bhattacharya

    It is surprised to see the Govt disission not to increase the retirement age from 60 to 62, However the facultys are availing the extesion from 60 to 65 even up to 70 years. Govt should think that in an Institute a Faculty serve till 70 years whereas in the same Institute staffs will retire on 60 in pace of 62.

  5. sayam seetharamaiah


    It would be a wise idea to extend the retirement age on a selective basis. Purely on the basis of skill requirements of the jobs . It should be optional for employee and selective for employer(preferable for maharatna executive category)


  6. It is a wise decision given by the govt. not to increase the retirement age. Reason after crossing age of 50 years 65 to 85% officer/employee not able to give their best which is required due to advance technology. So it is necessary to include the young generation to come forward rather we have to work with old people

  7. will there be an increment added to an employee retiring on 30june to calculate the emoluments paid post retirement

  8. I don’t understand why the pensioners are disappointed. How they are concerned or affected with the increase in retirement age.

  9. many office many hurdle to grant CCL. in another side is the mother only care the child not the father also?
    then why the father also can not be granted the CCL? thirdly which child have no mother what about with them?

  10. It is a wise decision taken by the Govt., of India to stay retirement age at 60. Other wise, not only increase in un- employement problem, there are so many other problems to ex chequer. The Govt has to pay salary and allowances for extended period besides superannuation benefits to the employees whether they work or not for the extended period i.e up to 62 years. Afer 60 yrs a person can not as efficient as 20 yrs old youth.

    hates of to Government of India.

  11. no need to increse retirement age to 62.many potential yongester waiting for govt jobs who work efficiently and change the employees culture.
    the old people,neither work efficientlt nor commited to socity.this is the high time to reduce the retirement age to burden of the govt can be easily met by so many means.

  12. Even though thousands of central government employees are retiring every month, least number of youngsters are getting job in the central government offices/department.Then why the retirement age couldn’t be extended from 60 years to 62 years ?. After all some of the said youngsters are getting the financial benefit indirectly. More over,it’s a fact that most of the professionally qualified youngsters are not interested in government jobs. Extension of retiring age to 62 years is beneficial to government too. In view of the above, I would like to suggest the government to reconsider the issue once again

  13. Enhance of retirement age from 60 to 62 will not affect employment or financial burden on government.Structure development in rural areas can only create employment.

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