A Group Training Course in Material and Child Health (A) In Japan

No.12040/10/2012-FTC (Trg)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
Training Division

Block-4, Old JNU Campus
New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi-67

Dated 22-2-2012


Subject: A Group Training Course in Material and Child Health (A) In Japan.

The undersigned is directed to state that the Japan International Cooperation Agency [JICA] under the Technical Cooperation of the Government of Japan has invited applications for the above programme to be held from April-December 2012 out of which the core phase would be held in Japan from 8th May to 23rd June, 2012. The details of the programme and the application form may be drawn from Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions website (persmin.nic.in).

2. The Program aims to contribute to improve reduction of child mortality, improvement of material health, Material and Child health indices (ex- child mortality rate, material mortality ratio) in developing countries so that skills and knowledge of nursing staff shall be improved and better material and child health care service with meeting local people’s health needs in participants’ region will be provided.

3. The candidate should be a head nurse or equivalent in charge of nurse and midwife training in hospital, or be a professor/lecturer or equivalent in charge of nurse or midwife training in university or equivalent (medical doctors are not eligible); having experience of more than five (5) years in the field of Material and child health as a nurse or midwife; be a certified nurse or midwife; be proficient in written and spoken English; be in good health, not be serving on military and between 25 years and 45 years of age.

4. The course covers the cost of a round-trip air ticket between an international airport designated by JICA; travel insurance from the time of arrival in Japan to departure from Japan; allowances for (accommodation, living expenses, outfit and shipping); expenses for JICA study tours and free medical care for participants who may fall ill after reaching Japan [costs relating to pre-existing illness, pregnancy, or dental treatment is not included].

5. It is requested that the nomination of the suitable candidates may please be forwarded to this Department in accordance with the eligibility criteria.

6. The nomination details should be submitted in the JICA’s prescribed proformas duly authenticated by the Department concerned along with the country report.

7. The applications should reach this Department through the Administrative Ministry/State Government not later than 1st March, 2012. Nominations received after the prescribed date will not be considered.


Under Secretary to the Government of India


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