Extension of Select List of UDCs for the year 2003
Most Immediate
No. A-23022/2/2007-Cadre (Ad.IV)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
North Block, New Delhi
Dated 7th May 2012
Subject: Extension of Select List of UDCs for the year 2003
The undersigned is directed to request the cadre units under Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions to refer to CS Division’s OM No. 12/1/2011-CS-II (B), dated 03/05/2012 circulating the names of persons to be included in extended Select List of UDCs for the year 2003, among the officials concerned inviting objections/representations, if any, in regard to any factual inaccuracy and the order of placement in the list. Kindly verify the correctness of the particulars such as date of birth, date of regular appointment to the grade, rank number (in case of officials appointed on the basis of Departmental Examination) etc. of the officials in the list.
2. The extended list may be seen/ downloaded from the website of this Department i.e.
http://persmin.nic.in/–>Central Services Wing–>CS Division–>Central Secretariat Clerical Services–>Common Seniority List
3.The cadre units are requested to furnish the above information to this department along with the requisite details in respect of UDCs of CSCS Cadre of Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions by forenoon of 11/05/2012.
(Priya Mahadevan)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
source : DOPT
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