Extension of Risk Allowance till 31.12.2012
No.21012/01 /2008-Estt. (Allowance)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel. P.G. & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
New Delhi. 18th June, 2012.
Subject: Extension of Risk Allowance till 31.12.2012.
The undersigned is directed to refer this Department’s OM No. 21012/0l/2008-Estt.(AL) dated 28.12.2011 vide which payment of Risk Allowance was extended till 30.06.2012. Extension of Risk Allowance for a further period of six months beyond 30.06.20 12 has been considered and it has been decided that Risk Allowance may be continued at the existing rates for a further period of six months upto 31.12.2012 or till further communication. whichever is earlier.
(Zoya C.B.)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
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Your Ref : OFFICE MEMORANDUM, New Delhi. 18th June, 2012.
Sub:Extension of Risk Allowance till 31.12.2012.
Please specify
what is the Risk allowance?
What are the elligibility criteria for Risk allowance?
Is all govt. employees are elligible for the same?
Whether Atomic Energy Employees are elligible?