MACP Scheme – treatment of employees appointed through LDCE/GDCE against Promotee Quota vacancies at par with those selected against DR/LDCE quota vacancies —reg.
Shri.M.Raghavaiah, General Secretary,NFIR has written a letter to Railway Board regarding one more anomaly in MACP Scheme, when implemented to the employees appointed through LDCE/GDCE against promotee quota vacancies at par with those selected against DR/LDCE quota vacancies.
We have reproduced the letter(which has been posted in nfir website) for your information.
National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
(Affiliated to Indian National Trade Union Congress)
Dated 19.11.2012
The Secretary (E),
Railway Board,
Dear Sir,
Sub: MACP Scheme – treatment of employees appointed through LDCE/GDCE against Promotee Quota vacancies at par with those selected against DR/LDCE quota vacancies —reg.
Ref: Railway Bord’s letter No.PC-V/2009/ACP/2 dated 12/09/2012.
NFIR wishes to invite attention of the Railway Board to yet another anomaly that has been created causing resentment among staff as a result of issuance of letter under reference. In this connection, NFIR furnishes following illustration for rectification and issuing justified instructions: –
2. ‘A’ has joined as SCP in Traffic Dept in the year 1997. He appeared for the selection to the post of ASM through LDCE against PRQ and got posted as ASM in the year 2000. Another employee ‘B’ has joined as Helper in C & W Cadre in the year 1998. He appeared for the selection to the post of ASM through GDCE against DR quota and got posted as ASM during the year 2002.
‘A’ will be getting his II MACP in the year 2010 to Grade Pay Rs.4200/-
‘B’ will be getting his I MACP in the year 2012 to Grade Pay Rs.4200/-
‘A’ will be getting his III MACP in the year 2020 to Grade Pay Rs.4600/-
‘B’ will be getting his II MACP in the year 2022 to Grade Pay Rs.4600/-
‘A’ will not be getting MACP to Grade Pay Rs.4800/-
But ‘B’ will be getting his III MACP in the year 2032 to Grade Pay Rs.4800.
3. Here an employee entered Railway service later and got selected as ASM later will be getting higher Grade Pay than another employee who entered in Railway service earlier and got selected as ASM earlier. This will constitute a serious anomaly and lead to injustice to the seniors.
Keeping in view the situation as highlighted above which Railway employees will be encountering quite frequently, the NFIR, therefore, urges the Railway Board to issue suitable clarificatory instructions so that Railway employees who happened to be senior do not face unnecessary hardships. A copy of the instructions issued may be endorsed to the NFIR.
Yours faithfully,
General Secretary
source : NFIR
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