No. AB. 14017/37/20 12-Estt (RR) (6943)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)
Room No.215-A/Il, North Block, New Delhi
Dated the 28th January, 2013
Subject: Check list for sending proposals to DOPT for framing/amendment of Recruitment Rules.
The undersigned is directed to state that instructions on framing / amendment of Recruitment Rules prescribe that the proposal for framing! amendment Recruitment Rules for Groups ‘A’ & ‘B’ posts /services as approved by the Administrative Ministries/ Departments should be referred to this Department in certain format (viz Annexure I to III) and accompanied with other documents/ information, for consideration of this Department. It has been noticed that the proposals sent by the Ministry / Department are not complete in all respects and this Department has to return the proposal seeking further information/documents/clarification for considering the proposal. Further, this Department has taken a decision that proposals for framing/amendment/revision of RRs shall now be processed on-line only and after freezing the proposal by this Department, the physical file will be accepted for concurrence.
2. In order to facilitate easy and early concurrence on proposal for framing! amendment of Recruitment Rules, a check list to be used while sending such proposals to this Department is enclosed. It is requested that all proposals for framing! amendment Recruitment Rules, being sent to this Department on file, must invariably accompany this Checklist duly filled in.
3. Hindi Version will follow.
(Mukta Goel)
Director (Estt-I)
To View the OM with Annexure visit at :
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