Defence Civilian employees – Draft Charter Of Demands of AIDEF/INDWF/BPMS

The three federation of Defence Civilian Employees the AIDEF, INDWF and BPMS have issued a Joint declaration with regard to observing 2 days strike on 2o & 21 of February, 2013


Circular No.1                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Date: 12/12/2012

The General Secretary
All the Affiliated Unions of AIDEF, INDWF and BPMS

Subject : Joint declaration with regard to observing 2 days strike on 2o & 21 of February, 2013.

A meeting of the representatives of the three Federations viz. AIDEF, INDWF and BPMS took place at Kolkatta on 12/12/12, to discuss about the framing of Charter of Demands and also to formulate various action programmes for jointly organizing the general strike on 20 and 21 of February, 2013 in the Defence Establishments The following were present.

1) Shri. S.N.Pathak / President
2) Shri. Saila Bhattacharya / General Secretary
3) Shri. C.Srikumar / General Secretary

1) Shri. R. Srinivasan, General Secretary
2) Shri. Gurudayal Singh, Vice-President
3) Shri. Subash Chandra Naha, Vice-President

1) Shri. Sadhu Singh, General Secretary
2) Shri. V. L. Nawade, Working President
3) Shri. B. R. Naresh Kumar, Secretary

The meeting took a serious note of the attitude of the Government of India in not settling the various outstanding demands of the Defence Civilian Employees pending at various levels in the Government. The efforts taken by the federations to settle all those issues through negotiation and discussion has not yielded an result.
The meeting also expressed its concerned about the ongoing privatization, outsourcing and contractualisation in the Defence Establishments and also the privatization policy adopted through DPP-2011 and allowing FDI in Defence Research and Production etc. The meeting also discussed about the declaration adopted by the Central Trade Unions in the National Convention of Workers held at New Delhi on th 04th of September, 2012. After considering all the above aspects it has been unanimously decided to observe 2 days strike of Defence Civilian Employees on the 20th and 2l of February, 2013.

The meeting also formulated the enclosed 46 Charter of Demands and also the action programme for jointly organizing the strike successfully. The meeting has also decided to constitute a National Level Joint Action Committee consisting of the following representatives of the three Federations.

1) Shri. S.N.Pathak / President
2) Shri. Saila Bhattacharya / General Secretary
3) Shri. C.Srikumar / General Secretary

1) Shri. R. Srinivasan, General Secretary
2) Shri. Gurudayal Singh, Vice-President
3) ShrI. Subash Chandra Naha, Vice-President

1) Shri. Sadhu Singh, General Secretary
2) Shri. V. L. Nawade, Working President
3) Shri. B. R. Naresh Kumar, Secretary

The meeting also calls upon all the Affiliated Unions of the three Federations to constitute Joint Action Committee at State / Regional / Area and Unit level, so as to Jointly carry on mobilization and action programmes successfully at grass root level.


Common Demands of Defence Civilian Employees

1) Stop privatization of Def. Production and in all related activities like Research & Development, services and maintenance etc.

2) Stop all types of outsourcing and contract in the Defence Establishments.

3) No FDI in Def. Production and Research.

4) Regularize all Contract, Casual & Daily wage workers, who are engaged in permanent and perennial jobs and Payment of Wages at the same rate as available to the regular workers of the Industry / Establishment.

5) Amendment of Minimum Wages Act to ensure universal coverage irrespective of the schedules and fixation of statutory minimum wage at not less than Rs. 10,000/- linked with cost price index.

6) Remove all ceilings on payment and eligibility of Bonus, Provident Fund and increase the quantum of gratuity.

7) Compulsory registration of Trade Union within a period of 45 days and immediately ratification of the 110 Conventions Nos. 87&98.

8) Fill up all posts lying vacant in the Defence Establishments and restore all posts abolished between 2001 and 2009 in the name of ADRP.

9) Promotional opportunities of all categories of employees may be enhanced by Cadre Restructuring in consultation with the Federations.

10) Scrap the New Pension Scheme, withdraw the PFRDA bill and ensure Pension for all.

11) Liberalize the Compassionate Appointment scheme by removing the artificial 5% restriction and grant Compassionate Appointment 100% as being done in the case of Railways.

12) Immediate merger of 50% DA with Basic Pay for all purposes.

13) Immediate wage revision of the Central Government Employees by setting up the 7th Central Pay Commission.

14) Remove the artificial restriction of 40 days PLB for AOC, Navy, Air Force, EME & Ordnance Factories, The PLB should not be less than the Adhoc Bonus of 30 days.

15) Merger of HS Gr-I1 and Gr-I in the Grade Pay of Rs.2800/- in PB-i. Alternatively the movement from HS Gr-II to Gr-I should be ignored for the purpose of ACP/MACP.

16) Inclusion of more risk prone operations and left out organizations for payment of Risk Allowance.
17) Revision of Night Duty Allowance in 5th & 6th CPC pay scales and remove the artificial eligibility ceiling for NDA by implementing the Arbitration Award and also the recent judgment of the Hon’ble Supreme Court.

18) Settle all 6th CPC Anomalies including the grant of MACP in the promotion hierarchy and other Pending anomalies.

19) Grant of Night Duty Allowance to the Chowkidar of all Defence Establishments at par with the Durwans of Ordnance Factories.

20) The regularized casual/adhoc service may be counted for the purpose of ACP/MACP benefits by implementing the Supreme Court Judgment which is implemented for a section of the Naval Employees.

21) Trained Trade Apprentices of Defence Establishments may be given employment guarantee and pending the same the trained trade apprentices should not be subjected to written test.

22) Computation of overtime wages under the Factories Act by including all allowances like HRA, Transport Allowance, Small Family Allowance etc. as provided in Section 59 of the Factories Act.

23) Trade Union rights may be given to all the Defence Civilian Employees up to Chargeman category and also for employees working in Military Hospitals, Training Centres, Station Hqrs, & SRO-17E Areas

24) CSD Canteen facilities may be provided to the retired Defence Civilian Employees.

25) Revision of the Fixed Medial Allowance and also eligibility of reimbursement of Medical Expenditure to Employees getting FMA as directed by the Hon’ble High Court of Punjab and Haryana.

26) Immediate payment of Over Time Arrears w.e.f. 01.01.2006 to DRDO Employees and payment of Revised OT for the Chargeman Category of Navy.

Ordnance Factories Specific Issues

27) Payment of Time Wages (DOT) to the piece workers of Ordnance Factories for the period between normal working hours (44¾) and 48 hrs. In a week and whenever the piece worker works on a holiday/Sundays.

28) Grant of 30 days EL to the Industrial Workers of Ordnance Factories who have opted leave under the Factories Act 1948.

29) Co-relation of piece work rates in the revised 6th CPC pay scales for the employees of Ordnance Factories w.e.f. 1/1/2006 without any illegal reduction in the Labour Estimates and employees like Examiner and others who are not governed under any incentive scheme may also be granted Incentive.

30) Grant of the pre-revised pay scale of Rs.1640-2900 to the PAs at par with other Central Government Departments with effect from 01.01.1986.
31) Grant of Four Grade Structure to the Fire Engine Drivers of Navy, DGOS and other Defence Establishments at par with Ordnance Factories and DGQA.

DRDO Specific issues

32) Scrap the adverse recommendations of the Professor Rama RaO Committee against
33) Immediate payment of 20% incentive to the DRDO employees without further delay.

34) Review of DRTC Scheme of DRDO and make it 100% flexible complementing scheme by incorporating the suggestions of the Federations.

35) Approval of all pending Cadre Review Proposals.

DGQA specific issues

36) Constitution of a combined Defence Quality Assurance Board as recommended by CAG.

37) Restore the indigenization responsibility to DGQA.

38) Review the rotational transfer policy as agreed by the Defence Secretary in the Departmental Council JCM Meeting.

MES Specific issues

39) Creation of Chargeman post at par with other Defence Establishment.

40) Fill up ADRP vacancies for the year 2006-07, 2007-08 and 2008-09.

41) Four grade structure for Meter Reader, Lift Operator and Upholsterer.

42) All qualified Diploma holders may be allowed for promotion to JE.

43) Grant of Skilled Pay Scale to the Valveman from the date, of recruitment as directed by the Hon’ble Supreme Court.

44) promotional avenue to Safaiwala and Chowkidar to the Industrial Cadre.

NavaI Specific Issue

45) Four Grade structure for Armament Mechanic of NAD.

46) Reframing of all the Recruitment Rules arbitrarily framed by the NHQ by incorporating the amendments proposed by the Federations.

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2 thoughts on “Defence Civilian employees – Draft Charter Of Demands of AIDEF/INDWF/BPMS”


    Sub: Grant of CSD Canteen facilities to the retired Defence Civilian Employees.
    Correspondence from All India DRDO Technical Officers Association (AIDTOA)
    To The Secretary to Government of India
    Ministry of Defence
    South Block
    New Delhi-110 001
    (Through Proper Channel)
    While the Service Personnel and Civilian Personnel are entitled for CSD Canteen benefits while in Service, after retirement the benefit is being extend to Service Personnel and the same is denied to the Civilian Employees. This is a clear discrimination. In the past whenever AIDTOA raised this demand it was always told that if such facility is extended to Civilians then there would be demand from the Para Military Forces also. At present, the Ministry of Home have already extended the Canteen facility to its Para Military Forces at par with Ex-Servicemen. Moreover, the Ministry of Defence have extended the CSD Canteen facility for Civilian Employees who are retiring from the CSD. Therefore, there is no justification in denying the benefit to the Defence Civilian Employees.
    It is also a fact that more than 60% of the Defence Civilian Employees settle down in their home town which is far away from the places where the CSD/ Unit Run Canteens are functioning. Therefore, at their old age they will not be travelling long distances for purchasing items from the Canteen. Therefore, the contention of the CSD Managing Board that they cannot extend the facility due to shortage of infrastructure and manpower is not justified.
    It is a known fact that the Railway Employees who are eligible for free pass for travelling all over the country in Train are extended the benefit after retirement also. When Railway Ministry has recognised the services of the Railway Employees even after retirement there is no justification in Defence Ministry denying such recognition to its retired Civilian Employees.
    In view of the above, as already decided in the special meeting held under the Chairmanship of JS(E) on 12/11/2014 the CSD Managing Board may approve the recommendation of the MoD in this regard for extending the CSD Canteen facility to the retired Defence Civilian Employees.
    Thanking you
    DMRL,Hyderabad, January,06,2015
    Yours faithfully,General Secretary
    All India DRDO Technical Officers Association (AIDTOA)
    H. O: # 2-280, Adarsh Nagar, Meerpet, HYDERABAD – 500 097
    Ph.No: 040-24586891 Mob: 9440668281 Telefax:91-40-24340683 Email:[email protected],[email protected] (Affiliated to Confederation of Central Govt. Gazetted Officers Organisations)


    AIDTOA & CCGGOO thank all the Defence Civilian Officers, employees& Pensioners, Federations & Associations for their support in the struggle for achieving CSD Canteen Facilities to Retired Defence Civilian Employees.

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