Central Government employees salary anomalies

Anomalies in salaries of Central Government Employees : Reply  in Parliament by  The Minister of State in the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions

In the recently concluded  Parliament session,  the Hon’ble Member Shri.Kunwar Rewati Raman Singh raised a question regarding whether salary anomalies that have arisen on account of the sixth pay commission have not so far been resolved completely and what steps taken by the Government in this regard..?

The Minister of State in the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions and Minister of State in the Prime Minister’s Office SHRI V. NARAYANASAMY has replied to the question  mentioned above in Lok Sabha on 8.5.2013 and his reply submitted in parliament  is given below

“To resolve anomalies which may have arisen due to implementation of the recommendations of the 6th Central Pay Commission, orders were issued by the Government for setting up of Anomaly Committee(s) at National as well as Departmental level to look into the anomalies of common categories of employees and pay anomalies specific to the employees of a particular Ministry or Department.

A number of items, relating to the common category of employees were discussed in the National Anomaly Committee which held five meetings. Pay anomalies and other demands relating to the Central Government employees and pensioners/family pensioners were discussed with the representatives of the Staff Side. These have largely been resolved except a few issues where formulation of pay fixation by the Pay Commission was contested by the Staff Side; parity in Pension which is sub-judice, is yet to be resolved.

Pay anomalies specific to the employees of a particular Ministry or Department are being considered by the Departmental Anomaly Committees and no centralized information in this regard is maintained”.

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1 thought on “Central Government employees salary anomalies”

  1. Can anyone suggest me regarding anomaly in pay. I joined central government services on 4200/-,now I promoted on 4800/-GP, but my basic is below from the person who has joined on 4600.
    Is there any solution for this anomaly?

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