(Para 10.1 of O.M. No. 27/12/97-EO (ACC) dated 15.10.1997)
The powers to make appointments, whether salaried or not, of Chairman, Chairman-cum-Managing Director and other Members of the
Board of Management (including the Managing Director and the Financial Adviser, if the Financial Adviser is a Member of the Board of
Management of any Schedule ‘A’ and Schedule ‘B’ State-owned public corporations, company or enterprise, except where such appointment is made on ex-officio basis by the Government, vests in the ACC.
Subject to certain conditions, the powers to make such appointments in Schedule Ç’’& ‘D’ has been delegated to the Minister of the concerned administrative Ministries/Department.
2. In PSUs which are exempted from the PESB procedure and / or rule of immediate absorption, irrespective of its Schedule, the powers of appointments, whether salaried or not, of Chairman, Chairman-cum- Managing Director and other Members of the Board of Management (including the Managing Director and the Financial Adviser, if the Financial Adviser is a Member of the Board of Management) of any PSU vests in the ACC.
3. For appointment of Non-official Director – cum- Part-time Chairperson, on the Board of a PSU, Search Committee procedure of DPE prescribed for appointment of Non-official part-time Directors is to be followed (DPE has clarified this in the case of CCIC, M/o Textiles vide Para 3 of O.M. No.9(35)/2011-GM dated 12.12.2011).
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