No. E (NG)-II/2005/RR-1/8.
New Delhi, dated 28/08/2014
The General Manager (P),
All Zonal Railways/ Production Units
Chairmen, Railway Recruitment Boards (RRBS)/Railway Recruitment Cells (RRCS)
Sub: Recruitment to non-gazetted posts on the railways – Adherence to prescribed qualification in recruitment from open market regarding.
Attention is invited to instructions contained in Board’s letter of even number dated 29/6/2006 which debar acceptance of allied/related qualification in lieu of the qualification prescribed by this Ministry and stipulates that candidate in possession of the qualification possessed in line with the extant instructions may only be considered for employment on the railways.
The above instructions were issued to streamline the already perturbed system of open market recruitment, wherein, candidates with similar qualification were being treated differently by different recruiting agencies leading to the matter open for litigation.
However, over a period of time it has been observed that recruiting agencies are seeking clarification from this Ministry on following accounts (i) recognition of institutions; (ii) recognition of courses from regulatory bodies, if any, or other nodal bodies; (iii) whether the course is offered through regular/ part-time/ distance learning/Membership of Association; (iv) duration of course; and (v) Equivalence.
Referring each and every issue to the nodal Departments/Ministries results in inordinate delay in finalizing candidature of candidates which further results in more complications viz. expiry of panels, candidates taking legal recourse etc.
Taking above things into consideration, instructions contained in letter dated 29/6/2006 ibid have been reviewed and it has been decided by the Board that empanelled candidates in possession of prescribed qualification from institutions run by Central Government/ State Government/ Bodies enacted by Act of Parliament or State Legislatures or recognized by Central Govemment/ State Government/ Bodies enacted by Act of Parliament or State Legislatures be allowed to join without further going into the issue of recognition. Validity or otherwise, of such recognition, if required, will be confirmed by the concerned recruiting agency, contacting directly to the Board/University or the Council as the case may be.
These guidelines do not affect in any way the instructions circulated vide letter No. E(NG)II/2010/RR-I/17 dated 08/12/2011.
Cases decided otherwise in the past need not be re-opened.
Please acknowledge receipt.
(Hindi version will follow)
(Ravi Shekhar)
Deputy Director Estt. (N)-II
Railway Board.
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