Minutes of the Pre-retirement counselling workshop held on 24.09.2014
Summary Discussion of the Pre-retirement counselling workshop held on 24.09.2014 at Conference Room-1, India International Centre, Main Building, 40 Max Mueller Marg, Lodhi Estate, New Delhi.
A Pre-retirement counselling workshop with retiring employees of various Ministries/Departments was held on 24.09.2014 in Conference Room-1, India International Centre, Main Building, 40 Max Mueller Marg, Lodhi Estate, New Delhi under the Chairmanship of Secretary (Pension). List of participants is annexed.

JS(P), Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare welcomed all the participants. She stated that the Department is organizing pre-retirement counselling workshops for benefit of retiring employees of the Government of India as a welfare measure and making them aware about various activities in which the pensioners can be involved after retirement. She further desired that the workshop would help them understand various activities as well as benefits accruing on account of retirement. The participants were informed about the initiative Sankalp through which pensioners can do voluntary work with registered NGOs in various areas of interest which will lead to a satisfactory and healthy life to the pensioners.
After the introductory remarks by JS (P), all participants introduced themselves and welcomed the concept of pre-retiring counselling organised by the DoP&PW. They were of the view that after the retirement they would be able to devote more time to activities they are interested in and also utilise the time for meaningful social work for betterment of society.
JS(P) further informed the participants about the various changes in pension rules made by the department to ensure that all impediments in the way of getting timely payment of pension are removed. This was in keeping with the mission of the department that all retirement dues including the pension payment order should be handed over to the employee on the day of retirement and pension gets credited to his account from the next of his retirement.
This was followed by the following presentations:-
i) Presentation on Sankalp by JS(P). DoP&PW.
ii) Presentation on CGHS facilities by Dr.Veena Dhavan, CGHS, Mlo H&FW.
iii) Presentation on Investment & Preparation of Will by Shri Naresh Sethi, Management & Leadership Development Centre. New Delhi.
After the presentation, open house discussion and question answer session were held and many of the participants participated in it. Secretary (P) also gave his valuable time during the interaction.
The participants also furnished their suggestions/comments through feedback forms which are valuable resources for the DoP&PW to improve upon the PRC Workshop. Some of the retirees wanted that one list of all payments being released should be given to the retiring employee.
The final wrap up was done by Secretary(P). who reiterated that the mission of the Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare is to ensure that serving employees, before their superannuation or retirement should get their pensionary benefits on the day of their retirement. The PRC workshop is an awareness generating and interactive process among the retiring employees. The Department is pro-active in making the post retirement life comfortable and dignified. He mentioned that we have now 50 lakhs pensioners from Civil, Defence, Railways, Post & Telegraph etc. and two/three things are important for them.
“The first is CGHS facilities. This facility is a significant requirement for pensioners and their families. in the PRC it should be updated what is the best facilities the pensioners can get from CGHS
Second thing is with regard to nature of investment that needs to be done. We all are from a very conservative environment. All of us must invest carefully whether it is in PF, mutual funds, stock market. All such investment has their own risks and rewards. The PRC also provides some understanding on investment etc.
The third thing is ‘Longevity of human life”. After retirement, the pensioners could do some creative work for the society, Sankalp is a platform from where one can start the 2nd inning. Health Care, Social Welfare, Education etc are some areas where pensioners can work. As on date, we have 43 registered pensioner associations. We should create more associations. Department of Pension and Pensioners can work together for the future of India.”
Thereafter, Secretary (P) thanked all the participants and implored all to be a part of ‘digital India’ and ‘swatchh bharat’ and wished all of them have a very successful journey towards superannuation. He informed them that DOPPW would always be at their service.
The meeting ended with vote of thanks to the Chair.
Source: http://www.pensionersportal.gov.in/sankalp/writereaddata/English/15Minutes_PRC.pdf
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