Revision of Training period for promotee JEs of Mechanical Deptt

Revision of Training period for promotee JEs of Mechanical Deptt


RSE No.107 /2014

No.E (MPP) 2013/3/22

New Delhi. Dated .26 – 09- 2014

The General Managers
All Indian Railways.

Sub: Revision of Training period for promotee JEs of Mechanical Deptt.

The committee consulted for modification of the training Modules of Junior Engineers selected through seniority and revision of Refresher Course for Supervisors of Mechanical Department has submitted its report.

2. After considering the report submitted by the Committee. Board (MM,MS) have approved that the training module for promottee JEs of Mechanical Department (selection on seniority-cum-suitability basis) would consist of 13 weeks. The Training Modules/detailed course contents are enclosed at Annexure-I & II.

3. The revised training module will constitute of 8weeks of Theoretical Training at STC and 4 weeks of Practical Training – one week each at Production Unit/POH Workshop and two weeks on the job in the parent unit. The last one week of training will be at STC for exam/vivo etc. The revised training module will be applicableto the trainees reporting for training affer issue of this letter.

4. Kindly acknowledge receipt.

DA: Training Module (Annexure I & II)

Anuradha Singh)
Railway Board

Download in Detail : Revision of Training period for promotee JEs of Mechanical Deptt

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