Proposal for imposition of a 5 years moratorium for seeking transfer – Railway Board
Government of India (Bharat Sarkar)
Ministry of Railways (Rail Mantralaya)
(Railway Board)
New Delhi, Dt 03 .11.2014
The General SecretaryAIRE, 4, State Entry Road New Delhi-110055 | The General Secretary,NFIR, 3, Chelmsford Road New Delhi-110055 |
Dear Sir, .
Sub: Proposal for imposition of a 5 years moratorium for seeking request transfer and change of category for Gr.C’ non-gazetted staff in Grade Pay Rs,1800/-, R.s.1900/- and above. .

The undersigned is directed to state that a question whether five years moratorium may be imposed for seeking on request one-way transfer and change of category for directly recruited non-gazetted staff in Gr,’C in GP Rs.1800/-, Rs.1900/- and above has been engaging the attention of Board for quite some time.
2. We would like to have your views on the above matter. Accordingly, a meeting has been fixed for 10.11.2014 at 12.00 Noon in the chamber of EDE(IR), Room No.401, Rail Bhavan. You are requested to kindly make it convenient to attend the meeting.
Yours faithfully,
Director, Estt(IR)
Railway Board
Source : AIRF
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