Consolidated Instructions on Forwarding of Applications of Government Servants for Outside Employment
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)
North Block,New Delhi
Dated the 23rd ,December, 2013
Subject: Consolidated Instructions on Forwarding of Applications of Government Servants for Outside Employment-regarding.
The undersigned is directed to refer to the subject mentioned above and to say that various instructions/guidelines have been issued by the Government from time to time regarding forwarding of applications of Government Servants for posts outside their own Cadre. All such instructions issued till date have been consolidated under easily comprehensible headings for the facility of reference and placed as Annexure to this O.M. All Ministries/ Departments are requested to bring the above guidelines to the notice of all concerned.
2. Hindi version will follow.
Director (Establishment)
Annexure to DOPT O.M.No.28020/1/2010-EStt(C) dated 23rd December,2O13.
These guidelines relate to forwarding of applications of Government servants as direct recruit for posts within the Central Government, State Governments, Autonomous/ Statutory Bodies, CPSEs etc. It may be noted that in a case in which a particular employee cannot be spared without serious detriment to important work in hand, public interest would justify withholding of his application even if otherwise the application would have been forwarded. It may be added for information that where for good and sufficient reasons an application is withheld no infringement of any Constitutional rigit is involved.
[OM. No. 170/51-Ests, dated the 21.10.1952]
a. The Heads of Departments should interpret the term ‘public interest’ strictly and subject to that consideration, the forwarding of applications should be the rule rather than an exception. Ordinarily, every employee (whether scientific and technical or non-scientific and non-technical personnel) should be permitted to apply for an outside post even though he may be holding a permanent post.
b. No distinction need be made between applications made for posts in a Department under the Central government. Autonomous Bodies or sub-ordinate offices, posts under the State Governments, posts in Public Sector Undertakings owned wholly or partly by the Central Government or a State Government and posts in quasi-Government organizations. They should all be treated alike so far as the forwarding of applications is concerned. If, however, a Government servant desires to apply for a post in a private concern, he should submit his resignation or notice of retirement, as the ease may be, before applying for private employment.
c. For this purpose. “scientific and technical personnel”, may be interpreted to mean persons holding posts or belonging lo services which have been declared to be scientific or technical posts or scientific or technical service.
[0M. No. 70/10/60-Esti. (A), dated 09.05.1960 and
O.M. No. 8/7/69-Ests(C) dated the 01.11.1970]
The general principles to be observed in dealing with such applications are as under:
a. Applications from purely temporary Government servants – Applications from such Government servants should be readily forwarded unless there are compelling grounds of public interest for withholding them.(…)
Download The Instructions : Consolidated Instructions on Forwarding of Applications of Government Servants for outside employment
Source: DOPT
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