National Joint Council of Action formed to spearhead Movements for Charter of demands

National Joint Council of Action formed to spearhead Movements for Charter of demands


4.State Entry Road,
New Delhi. 110 001.
Dated: 11th December, 2014.

All Participating orgnisations in the JCM.

Dear Comrades,

The Staff Side of the Standing Committee of JCM, National Council, met on 10 th December, 2014. It had long deliberations in finalisation of the declaration to be placed for the consideration of the joint Convention scheduled to be held at New Delhi on 11th

The draft declaration along with the charter of demands and the proposed programme of Action was placed at the Convention. The Convention adopted the declaration with minor amendments. We send herewith copies of the Press Statement along with the copy of the Declaration .

As per the decision of the Convention, National Joint Council of Action with the following members have been constituted to spearhead the movement. The National JCA will monitor the implementation of the programme of action. It has been authorised by the convention to pre pone the programmes of action if such an exigency arises.

1Com. M. Raghavaiah:   NFIRChairman
2Com. Shiv Gopal Mishra   AIRFConventor
3Com. Rakhaldas Gupta   AIRFMember
4Com. Guman Singh   NFIRdo.
5Com. S.N. Pathak    AIDEFdo.
6Com. Sreekumar    AIDEFdo.
7Com. Ashok Singh    INDWFdo.
8Com. Srinivasan.    INDWFdo
9Com. K.KN. Kutty.    Confederationdo.
10Com. M. Krishnan.    Confederationdo.
11Com. Giriraj Singh.   NFPEdo.
12Com.R.N.Parashar    NFPEdo.
13Com.T.N.Rahate    FNPOdo
14Com D.Theagarajan   FNPOdo.

The National JCA met formally at the AIRF Office on 12th after the convention. The meeting took the following decisions.

(1) The AIRF leaders in the State capitals will take the initiative to convene the meeting of all JCM participating organisations and constitute the State Committees and take steps to convene the State level Conventions.

(2) The State Committees will intimate the names of the CG organisations who have expressed willingness in the ensuing struggle.

(3) The National JCM website will be used as the Website of the National JCA.

(4) The Convenor, National JCA will place a copy of the letter to be sent to organisations who are not participating in the JCM requesting their co-operation and participation in the ensuing struggle.

(5) The National JCM will have the authority to co-opt members in the National JCA .

(6) The National JCA will prepare the campaign leaflet explaining the demands.

(7) The State JCA will take steps to translate the declaration and the Explanatory Note on Demands in the respective vernacular and circulate amongst the mass of the employees.

(8) The expenses required to be spent for the convention, publication of Pamphlet etc. will be borne by the participating organisations in a pre determined ratio.

(9) Apart from the State JCA, JCAs will also be formed in important Centres, especially where the Defence workers are concentrated.

10. The National JCA will issue circular letters as and when it is necessary and the same will be place in the website of National Council JCM.

11. The National JCA will communicate to the Government the declaration adopted at the convention and seek settlement of the demands.
12. Negotiation on the demands will be conducted by the National JCA.

13. National JCA will meet again on 11 th January, 2015 at New Delhi.

Copy of the Explanatory Note on each of the demands included in the charter is sent herewith.

With greetings,
Yours fraternally,

Source : NC JCM

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