Not Reducing Retirement Age, Says Finance Minister Arun Jaitley – NDTV NEWS

Not Reducing Retirement Age, Says Finance Minister Arun Jaitley – NDTV NEWS

Not Reducing Retirement Age, Says Finance Minister Arun Jaitley

The following  news item on retirement age is published in

”  … The Narendra Modi government had to field its crisis managers on Thursday to end what it called a “strong misinformation campaign,” which it feared could hurt the ruling BJP’s electoral interests in the Delhi elections due soon.

The trouble was caused by a WhatsApp message that was being circulated fast and furious. It purported to reproduce a government reply in Parliament on whether it was planning to lower the retirement age of central government employees from 60 to 58 years.

The message alleged that the government had said in the Rajya Sabha that it would be tabling a bill proposing a cut in the retirement age in the Budget Session in March 2015.

Three ministers issued strong denials in quick succession, even as the government ordered an investigation into the origins of the message. Finance minister Arun Jaitley told NDTV, “These are all baseless rumours and there is no question of altering the retirement age of central government employees. It is 60 years and will remain 60.”

Parliamentary Affairs Minister M Venkaiah Naidu and Minister of State for Personnel Jitendra Singh too denied any such proposal.

A study of the message circulated on WhatsApp confirmed that someone has altered the question posed by a Rajya Sabha MP on December 11 and the minister’s reply, meticulously keeping the format of a written reply in Parliament intact.

To ensure a quick burial for what could have burgeoned into a major headache for the government, the department of personnel and training also posted the government’s actual reply online and issued a press release to say that there was no proposal to lower the retirement age.

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3 thoughts on “Not Reducing Retirement Age, Says Finance Minister Arun Jaitley – NDTV NEWS”

  1. i was shocked to see a information reg one matter that retirement age of central govt employee may be 33 years of service or 60 years which our is earlier .I hope pay commission will not touch retirement age I joined Central govt service at the age 23 years after completing (post graduate ).
    I joined in lower rank as STA and worked for 8 years and i was promoted as Assistant Hydrogeologist and after 18 years i was promoted as Group A officer ,I am now 56 years old and putting all the experience to my field in water sector and now i hear you have completed 33 years of service (dec 2015),go to home ,pay commission is effective from jan 2016,it will not come , if it comes it is very very highly unjustified ,joining the service should not be the criteria for retirement ,only attaining the age should be criteria ,i hope concerned people will do the correct one

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