PLB:Committee for evolving a new formula for productivity Linked Bonus on Indian Railways

PLB:Committee for evolving a new formula for productivity Linked Bonus on Indian Railways

Government of India
Ministry Of Railways
Railway Board


New Delhi, dt.11-02-2015

The General Secretary,
4, State Entry Road,
New Delhi – 110 055

The General Secretary,
3, Chelmsford Road,
New Delhi – 110 055.


Sub: Committee for evolving a new formula for productivity Linked Bonus (PLB) on Indian Railways.


I am directed to state that Ministry of Railways have constituted a Committee of Additional Members vide Board’s Letter No.ERB-I/2014/23/15 dt.21.3.2014 for evolving a new formula for productivity Linked Bonus on Indian Railways Keeping in view the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission and the views of the Ministry of Finance.

The Committee has held a number of meetings and deliberated on the issue and arrived at a proposed formula for calculation of PLB.

The Committee has been mandated by Board to discuss the issue with the Federations before submitting its recommendations for consideration/approval of appropriate authority. Accordingly, the draft report containing the proposed formula arrived at by the committee is sent herewith for furnishing your views within 15 days positively to enable the committee to finalize its recommendations.

Yours faithfully,
For Secretary/Railway Board

Read:Report of the Committee to evolve a new formula for calculation of productivity linked bonus on the Railways

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