Admissibility of HRA in the event of non-acceptance or surrender of Quarters


RBE 123/2015
No. E(P&A)II-2012/F.E.2/4

New Delhi, dated 12.10.2015.

The General Managers,
All lndian Railways & Production Units etc.

Sub : Admissibility of House Rent Allowance in the event of non-acceptance or surrender of railway residential accommodation.

Ref : PNM-NFIR Item No. 40/2012

During a meeting held on 15.07.2015 with the Board and the NFIR on the subject mentioned above. the Federation pointed out that railway quarters which are unfit for occupation or in a dilapidated condition are being allotted by the railway administration in the Zonal Railways/Units and thereby the affected railway employees are being denied HRA. The Federation further requested that necessary instructions may be issued in this regard.

2. In view of the above, all the Zonal Railways/Units may ensure that before allotment of railway quarters to eligible railway employees, it should be ensured that such railway quarters are fit for occupation.

3. This issues in consultation with the Land and Amenities Directorate of Railway Board.

4. Kindly acknowledge receipt.

(Salim Md. Ahmed)
Dy.Dir. Esst.(P&A)-II
Railway Board

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