In the design of the pay matrix for Military Nursing Service (MNS) Officers, the Commission has kept in view the approach followed by previous Pay Commissions as well as historical and traditional relativities between the Armed Forces Officers and Military Nursing Service Officers. In particular the pay scales/grade pay based on the V and VI CPC Reports were kept in view.
7th CPC Pay Matrix for Military Nursing Service (MNS) Officers

Military Nursing Service (MNS) Officers Pay Matrix
Accordingly, the following Pay matrix for Military Nursing Service (MNS) Officers is recommended by the Commission:

As indicated earlier in the case of the Defence Pay Matrix, the Commission has adopted an approach that blends elements of the principles and philosophy adopted in devising the matrices for civil and defence forces personnel with the existing uniqueness in the pay structure of MNS officers.
Therefore while the minimum pay at the entry level for MNS officers is identical with their civil and defence counterparts, as is the application of the fitment in pay for officers migrating into the matrix, the Commission has had to adopt a different approach while determining minimum pay corresponding to the existing grade pays other than GP 5400 (PB3). In doing so, the Commission has adopted a formulation as under:
Minimum Pay for a Rank in MNS= (Minimum Pay for that Rank in Defence Pay Matrix) x (Grade Pay of the Rank in MNS)/(Grade Pay of that Rank in the Services)
For example Minimum Pay for Colonel in MNS= (125,700) x (7600)/(8700)= ₹1,09,807. This has been approximated to ₹1,09,800 in the Matrix.
While this formulation has been adopted for all ranks of MNS officers, two exceptions have been made for purposes of rationalising the pay structure:
i. In the case of Captains, the Commission has moderated the minimum pay level upwards to ₹59,00017, to avoid bunching of minimum pay of MNS Lieutenant and Captain.
ii. In the case of Brigadiers some moderation downwards from the figure arrived at by the formula (₹1,26,800) has been effected to provide suitable differential in the minimum of the pay level between Brigadier and Major General of MNS. Hence the mid-point of the minimum of the pay levels of Colonel and Major General viz., ₹1,19,700 has been taken as the minimum pay for the Brigadier of MNS
7th Pay Commission increases Military Service Pay (MSP)
The defence forces personnel, in addition to their pay as per the Matrices above, will be entitled to payment of Military Service Pay for all ranks….. [ CONTINUE READING....]
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MNS has the selection basis which is not less than a degree or qualification for other officers in army .why such discrimination is being made.It is a matter of gender inequality as well. If it is so that MNS officers don’t have combat role, so they have to be payed less then defence authorities are requested not to post the nursing officers to combat zones at all .Let the authorities manage such areas without nursing officers. It is a case of providing harm to dignity of nursing officers as well. The thing which upsets most is that government also is keeping mum on these acts and practices to put the hardship and dignity of MNS down. Something is required as it seems that there is no revolution in nursing officer’s career and instead all changes are very demotivating