Bunching benefit on fixation of pay of MCM in Defence establishments
Office of the Controller General Of Defence Accounts
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt – 110 010
AT/II/187/VI CPC/Orders/Vol-VII
Dated 13-06-2016
All CFA (Fys)/PCA (Fys)
(through CGDA Website)
Subject: Pay Fixation of industrial employees on restructuring of the cadre of the Artisan Cadres in Defence Establishment – bunching benefit on fixation of pay of MCM.
A Copy of Ministry Of Finance ID No.300282217/E.III-A/2016 dated 02.05.2016 received under MoD/D(civ 1) ID No.161/2013-D(civ 1) dated 20.05.2016 on the above subject is forwarded herewith for your information and necessary action at your end.
Government Of India
Ministry Of Defence
D(Civ 1)
Subject: Pay fixation of industrial employees on restructuring of the Artisan Cadres in Defence Establishment – bunching benefit on fixation of pay of MCM
Reference CGDA U.O.No.AT/II-2458/(PC)6/06-II dated 12 June 2013. 26.03.2014 and 24.06.2014 on the above subject. In these letters, the CGDA has written to MoD/D(civ 1) that a clarification from DoP&T is required Accordingly with the approval of JS(Estt), MoD referred the file to DoP&T for furnishing a clarification. DoP&T/Estt.(Pay-1) section have reiterated the position given in Rule 7(1)(A)(ii) of the CCS(RP) Rules, 2008 to allow the bunching benefit during the pay fixation of MCM. They however, advised to consult Department of Expenditure also.
2. Accordingly, the issue was referred to Ministry of Finance (Deptt of Expenditure) through MoD (fin/AG/PB). Now, MoD(Fin/AG/PB) has conveyed the clarification. issued by Ministry of finance (Deptt of Expenditure) which is reproduced as under.
“The proposal of M/o Defence relating to grant of bunching benefit in pay fixation of Master Craftsman (MCMs) in terms of Rule 7(1)(A)(ii) of CDS (RP) Rules 2008 has been examined in the Department of Expenditure. Rule 7(1)(A) (ii) would apply in this case if the initial pay in the revised scale was fixed in this case under Rule 7(1)(A)(i) and the condition of the proviso to Rule 7(1)(A)(ii) are fulfilled.”
3. In view of the above, the PCDAs may please be advised to allow the bunching benefit to the MCM in terms of the above clarification issued by Ministry Of Finance (Deptt of Expenditure) copy of Ministry of Finance (Deptt of Expenditure) ID No.300282217/E.III-A/2016 dated 2nd may 2016 is also annexed for information.
(Pawan Kumar)
Under Secretary to Govt. Of India
Tele: 23012414
Government Of India
Department Of Expenditure
Ministry Of Finance
E-II(A) Branch
Reference Notes on page no46-48/N-ante
(F.No.A-110163/2002-Ag(PB)of M/o Defence)
The proposal of M/o Defence relating to grant of bunching benefit in pay fixation of Master Craftsman (MCMs) in terms of Rule 7(1)(A)(ii) of CDS (R) Rules, 2008 has been examined in the Department of Expenditure.
2. Rule7(1)(A)(ii) would apply in this case if the initial pay in the revised scale was fixed in this case under Rule 7(1)(A)(i) and the condition of the proviso to Rule 7(1)(A)(ii) is fulfilled.
3. This issues with the approval of joint secretary (Pers.)
(Ashok Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Govt. Of India
Download : CGDA Order for MCM
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