Submission of quarterly list of Government Servants retiring within next 12 to 15 months

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CPAO/IT&Tech/Single Window Service/2016-17/54/62

14th June, 2016

Office Memorandum

Subject:- Submission of quarterly list of Government Servants retiring within next 12 to 15 months.

Attention is invited to para 5 of this office OM No. CPAO/IT&Tech/Single Window Service/ 2016-17/ 38 dated – 17.05.2016 whereby all Pr. CCAs/CCAs/CAs/AGs and Administrators of UTs were requested to provide the list of government servants retiring within 12 to 15 months as on 01.04.2016 on CPAO website i.e. by using PAO login provided by CPAO by 3rd June 2016. So far only 56 PAOs of 23 Ministries/Departments have provided list of 2248 officials. However, in many cases columns of PAN number and Aadhaar number are incomplete.

2. Further, CPAO has developed the facility of generating PPO numbers at the stage of uploading the list of retiree government servants on CPAO website. In this context, CPAO has provided a utility on its website under the link “Entry for officials due to retire within 12 – 15 months as on 1st April 2016”. Under this utility PAOs are required to enter the details of employees retiring in next 12-15 months, PPO number for retiring employee will be generated at the time of entry of details. For the employees retiring upto 31-Dec-2016, PAOs are required to assign the PPO numbers from unallocated pool of numbers, which will be available at the time of entry. For employees retiring after 31-Dec-2016, PPO numbers will be allocated automatically by the system itself.

3. In this context, Finance Secretary in the FA’s Conference held on 3rd June, 2016 mentioned about the delays in finalizing pension matters and asked FAs to keep track of progress of cases of employees retiring within a year and requested action by FAs that “A list of employees retiring within one year should be prepared by 15.06.2016 and their formalities should be completed so that complaints from pensioners are reduced to the minimum. Administration division of each Ministry/Department should be sensitized in this regard”. (Copy of the minutes attached at Annexure-I).

4. As this matter is engaging the highest attention, all Pr. CCAs/CCAs/CAs/AGs and Administrators of UTs are requested to take up the matter with JS (Admn.)/Administrative Divisions of their respective Ministries/Departments, wherever required and instruct their PAOs to submit the list of retiring government servants as per format through the new utility provided by CPAO on its website through PAOs login urgently.

This issues with the approval of competent authority.

Encl:- (Annexure -I: 5 sheets)

(Vijay Singh)
Sr. Accounts Officer (IT & Tech)

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