Aadhaar Enrollments for Defence Civilians

Aadhaar Enrollments for Defence Civilians

10-A, S.K.BOSE ROAD, KOLKATA: 700001

E-mail ID: [email protected]
Website: www.pcafys.nic.in
Phone No: (033) 2248-5077 to 5080 Extn- 329
Fax No: (033) 2248-0991
No. 2390/AEBAS/MO

Dt: 21/06/2016

All CFA (Fys),
Bengal Gr., Kanpur Gr., Jabalpur Gr., Dehradun Gr., Ambaghasi Gr., Avagi Gr., Kiskee Gr., Bolangir, Medak

Sub: Aadhaar Enrollments for Defence Civilians

HQrs. Office vide their letter No. 5049/AT-P/Vol-XXIII Dated- 16.05.2016 has once again called for data on entollment of Aadhaar in respect of Defence Civilian Employees as well as Pensioners for reviewing the progress of “Digital Life Certificate Scheme”, introduced by GOI in November, 2014.

In the process of reviewing the progress of the Scheme, the Defence Secretary in a meeting on 12.03.2015 has directed that CGDA in consultation with UIDAI, RGI and other agencies would get themselves registered as Registers for Aadhaar enrollment in r/o defence civilians. In this regard, a weekly report was introduced vide CGDA’s letter of even no. dated 31.08.2015. The Weekly Report is required to be furnished to the Nodal Office i.e. O/o the CDA (IDS) New Delhi to reflect the correct number of defence civilians for Aadhar seeding/ Enrollment in the following format w.e.f. 31st of May 2016.

Number of Defence Civilians

Number of Defence Civilians who have Aadhaar NoNumber of Defence Civilians who are not Aadhaar enrolled

Now all Controllers are also required to submit the ibid report on weekly basis. Since no report in this regard is being endorsed to this office till date, it is requested to forward a copy of the weekly report to enable this office for further action at this end.

Further it is observed that marking of attendance through Aadhaar Enabled Biometric Attendance System [AEBAS] has since been implemented only in a few Branch Accounts Offices under the Organisation of PCA (Fys) Kolkata the Competent Authority has desired information on the present status on the progress of implementation of AEBAS in the Offices under each Branch Controller.

It is, therefore, requested to inform the present status on enrolment of Aadhaar and implementation of AEBAS in the offices under the Group. In case any difficulty is being faced at any stage i.e. at the time of ‘On Boarding’ or ‘Procurement of Devices’ or ‘Registration’ stage assistance of this office may be sought for accordingly.

[M.C. Chakrabortty]
Controller of Accounts (Fys)

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