Salary of August month will be based on 7th CPC recommendations
All India Railwaymen’s Federation
Dated: July 13, 2016
The General Secretaries,
All Affiliated Unions,
Dear Comrades!
In continuation of our earlier letter of even number dated 8th July, 2016, wherein clarification was issued, whether payment of salaries based on 7th CPC recommendations will be made from current month or otherwise, it is hereby clarified that; salary of August month will be based on 7th CPC recommendations.

SOurce: AIRF
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dear sirs
Option1 for pensioners was recommended by 7cpc after 2 years of deliberations and also because it is feasible.Why should govt again refer it to another committee.Union leaders may kindly demand immediate implimentation of option 1 for pensioners.
Thanks and regards
The pay as on 01.01.2016 on existing and revised basis at entry level for different categories is as under-
Existing – PB-1 BP 5200 + GP 1800 + DA 125% 8750 = 15750
Revised – 18000 difference 18000 – 15750 + 2250
Existing – PB-2 BP 9300 + GP 5200 + DA 125% 16875 = 30375
Revised – 35400 difference 35400 – 30375 = 5025
Existing – PB-3 BP 15600 + GP 5400 + DA 125% 26250 = 47250
Revised – 56100 difference 56100 – 47250 = 8850
Existing – PB-3 BP 37400 + GP 8700 + DA 125% 57625 = 103725
Revised – 118500 difference 118500 – 103725 = 14775
As on 01.01.2016, an employee with basic pay of 7000 was getting 15750 as on 01.01.2016 including DA of 125% and due to the bumper hike of 7th CPC, he gets more 2250 only. And out of this his GPF subscription liability increases to 1080 from 420 (6% of basic), so that he has to be pleased with 1590 BONANZA. The employees joined after 2004 have to bear an extra for NPS.
The living cost is proportional to the living standard and cost of commodities essentially required to feed the family. The condition of advancement always changes time to time. The living cost of an employee of minimum salary, drastically increased at present. The prevailing condition of 1996, 2006 and 2016 is entirely different. Many new items have been joined to drain the pocket of a salaried employee… Certainly, higher salary drawing employees of government (organized administrative and police cadre for example) also have some other commitments and their pay also never comparable with public sector CEO’s etc.. But in government level these communities are enjoying several facilities even if they don’t eligible. In lower side everything is to be managed within the limit of monthly take home salary.
For a effective development and program implementation, the government should have a effective and responsible workforce. This effectiveness and responsibility has a link with the remuneration he/she gets which makes him/her tension free to manage the life. There is a wide gap between the hike of lower and upper side. Employees are not in a position to enjoy or even happily welcome this BONANZA. The government should be a MODEL EMPLOYER to follow others…..