CPSE Revised Pay Scales recommended by 3rd PRC
1. The Committee recommends to continue with the existing levels & numbers of pay-scales linked to the Schedule classification of the CPSEs without any change. Thus, the CPSEs shall be operating the pay-scales model with starting point and end point.
2. Pay-scales have been formulated with reasonability and due consideration of existing pay-scales, full DA neutralization, recommended fitment benefit, span of pay-scales, flow of pay-scales across levels & across CPSEs schedules, etc.
3. The revised pay-scales for the Board-level and Below Board level executives for each of the schedule of the CPSE i.e. Schedule-A, Schedule-B, Schedule-C & Schedule-D, effective from 1.1.2017, is placed at the Table 3.1, Table 3.2, Table 3.3 & Table 3.4 respectively.

Source : CPSE 3rd Pay Revision Committee Report
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Where is non executive pay scales? Are we not getting it?
Time has come for the gOVERNMENT to fix accountability to the TOP BOSSES but not to punish the spervisiory cadres of CPSU/CPSEs for no fault of them.This shall initiate industrial unrest in the country.
Cpse like sail sud not be even allowed to give any fittment as employees are bluffing duty and expecting hefty pay
3rd PRC is worst ever !! how-come fitment recommended as 15% , HRA 24 % and allowances 35 % ?? as in 2nd PRC it was 30%,30% & 50% respectively. hope our respective associations will act accordingly before putting up 3rd PRC for cabinet approval.