Revising of Inter Grade Ratio of Defence Civilians Artisans
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Department of Defence
Subject: Revision of Inter-Grade Ratio of the Artisan Staff (Tradesmen) in Defence Establishments- regarding.
The matter regarding inter-grade ratio of Artisan Staff of Defence Establishments is under consideration of the Government. Leader of staff side has stated that Ministry of Railways has revised the inter-grade ratio of Artisan Staff of Railways with effect from 01.09.2016 as follows:-

2. In the Ministry of Defence the inter-grade ratio has earlier been changed as per MoD letters dated 15.10.1984, 20.05.2013 and 14.06.2010 based on an agreement between MoD(D/Civ) and Recognized Federations. Leader Staff Side has proposed that Ministry of Defence may call a meeting of the three Recognized Federations so as to jointly finalize the inter-grade ration of Defence Artisan Staff. The inter-grade ratio in Defence Establishments after revision in year 1984, 2003, 2010 and the demand of AIDEF for revision is given below:

3. A copy of the proposal on the above mentioned subject received from the leader staff side is enclosed. It is also requested that comments on the proposal with justification keeping in view the functional requirements may please be furnished with the approval of competent authority positively by 28.04.2017. Moreover, since cadre restructuring/review proposals are required to be expenditure neutral, details of financial implications along with matching savings along with the detailed information may also be furnished in the following format:

This issue was also discussed during the 91st JCM and therefore, a response is to be provided on priority latest by 28.04.2017.
(Pawan Kumar)
Under Secretary, D(Civ-I)
Copy also for information to: AIDEF/INDWF/BPMS/CDRA
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Sir this should also be implemented to the Basic staff employees of the defence Deptt. Who have lost the opportunity due to the grade pay structures and the Basic staff employees are the main organs of the Deptt. With regards thank you.
Will it apply to the Basic staff with same pay anomaly too? And when it will be implemented.