Ex-Gratia lump sum compensation – PCDA Circular No.573

Ex-Gratia lump sum compensation

Office of the Principal CDA (Pension)

Draupadi Ghat, Allahabad 211014


Circular No. 573

Dated: 01.02.2017

The O I/C,
Records/ PAO (ORs)

Subject: Ex-Gratia lump sum compensation- Recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission.

Reference: This Office Circular No. 438 dated 16.07.2010, Circular No. 402 dated 30.12.2008 and Circular No. 228 dated 03.05.1999.

Copy of GOI, MOD letter No. 20(2)/2016/D(Pay/Services) dated 2nd November, 2016, which is self explanatory, is forwarded herewith for further necessary action at your end.

2. Consequent upon issue of GOI, MOD letter dated 2nOI November, 2016, the families of the Defence Service Personnel who die in harness in the performance of their bonafide official duties shall be entitled to Ex-Gratia Iump-sum-compensation at revised rate as mentioned in ibid Government letter.

3. The conditions governing payment of Ex-Gratia Iump-sum-compensation in terms of the ibid Government letter and the guidelines to be observed have been given in the Annexure attached with the GOI, MOD letter No. 20(1)/98-D(Pay/Services) dated 22nd September’ 1998 and Corrigendum No. even dated 12th April’ 1999 (Circulated vide this office Circular No. 228 dated 03.05.1999).

4. The order shall apply to all cases of death in harness occurring on or after 01 .01 .2016. In so far as cases of death, which occurred prior to 01.01.2016, are concerned, shall be regulated and finalized in terms of the orders and instructions in force prior to issue of these orders.

5. In view of the above, you are requested to submit all affected cases of Ex-Gratia lump-sum-compensation where death occurred on or after 01.01.2016 to the OI/C, G-4 Section of this Office along with the statement of case with supporting documents viz detailed statement of case, Special Casualty report approved by Competent Authority, FIR and/ or Court of Inquiry proceedings etc. including Sheet Roll indicating interalia the PPO No. wherein Special Family Pension/ Liberalized Family Pension and Ex-gratia have been granted earlier.

In cases, where death occurred on or after 01.01.2016 and Ex-Gratia lump- sum-compensation has already been sanctioned at old rate, the same may be referred to this office on revised LPC-Cum-Data Sheet and Sheet Roll for issue of corrigendum PPO at new revised rates.

6. All other terms and conditions shall remain unchanged.

7. This circular has been uploaded on this office website www.pcdapension.nic.in for dissemination to all alongwith Defence pensioners and Pension Disbursing Agencies.

Please acknowledge receipt.

No. Gts/Tech/0114/ Spl-XXXVII
Dated: 01st February’ 2017

(S C Saroj)

Sr. Accounts Officer (P)

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