Problems being faced by the pensioners regarding credit of pension into their Bank Accounts

Problems being faced by the pensioners regarding credit of pension into their Bank Accounts


CPAO/1T&Tech/Simplification/11〔 VOl― IV)/2016-17/49


Office Memorandum

Subject:- Problems being faced by the pensioners/ family pensioners regarding credit of pension amount into their Bank Accounts.

Attention is invited to CPAO’s OM No. CPAO/Tech/Bank Performance/20L5-1,6/60 dated-14.0 6.20L6 for better pensioner services by banks and minimize grievances/complaints from pensioners related to pension payments. inspite of issuing frequent instructions, number of representations are received from pensioners/family pensioners experiencing difficulties relating to delays and incorrect amount of pension being credited in their bank accounts. The pensioners have also complained about the recovery of excess amount from their bank accounts.

AII measures should be taken for efficient pension delivery to avoid such grievances and Heads of CPPCs and Heads of Govt. Business Divisions are again requested to provide monthly pension slips along with break up to pensioners/ family pensioners and invariably at the time of commencement of pension and thereafter whenever there is change in quantum of pension.

This issues with the approval of the competent authority.

(Krishna Sharma)
Sro Accounts Offlcer(IT&Tech)

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