Reimbursement in respect of Newspapers purchased/ supplied to Officers at their residence-guidelines regarding.
Reimbursement in respect of Newspapers purchased to Officers
NO. 25(12)/E.Coord-2018
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
(E Coord. Branch)
North Block. New Delhi
Dated 3rd April 2018
Subject: Reimbursement in respect of Newspapers purchased/ supplied to Officers at their residence-guidelines regarding.
Department Of Expenditure, Ministry Of Finance. vide order no, 1(24)/E.IIA/96 dated 13th September 1996. had issued guidelines on the subject cited above. It has been felt that these guidelines are dated and need to be updated, It has therefore. been decided that in place of the existing practice of getting monthly reimbursement of newspaper on production of newspaper bills. reimbursement for newspaper may be made at the rates mentioned below based on the certification given by the entitled officer:

2.A certificate as per the Annexure, to the effect that expenditure has been incurred on newspaper shall be provided by the officers on half yearly basis to the office for reimbursement.
3. This issues in supersession to all earlier guidelines of Department of Expenditure on the subject.
4. The orders will be effective with immediate effect.
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