The instructions inter alia provide that whenever a Government servant seeks Voluntary retirement under Rule 38 or Rule 48/48(4.) of Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules citing medical grounds, or when the notice has been submitted due to a disability, the administrative authorities shall examine as to whether the case is covered under section 47 of the PWD Act 1995. In case the provisions of the Act are applicable, the Government servant shall be advised that’ he/ she has option of continue in service with the same pay scale and service benefit
Voluntary Retirement under Medical Grounds or Disability
New Delhi,Dated:23.03.2018
The GMs/Principal Financial Advisers,
All Zonal Railways/Production Units etc.,
(As per mailing list)
Sub: Retirement of Government Servant under Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972 and Central Civil Services (Extraordinary Pension) Rules-applicability of provisions of “Persons with Disabilities (Equal opportunities, protection and rights and full participation) Act, 1995”.
A copy of Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare (DOP&PW)’s O.M.21/1/16-P&PW(F) dated 30th September, 2016 on the above subject is enclosed for information and compliance. These instructions shall apply mutatis mutandis on the Railways also. Rule 38, 48 & 48-A of the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972, correspond to Rule 55, 66 & 67 of the Railway Services (Pension) Rules, 1993 respectively and Civil Services (Extraordinary Pension) R 1939 correspond to Railway Services (Extraordinary Pension) Rules, 1993. De art ens; of Personnel & Training’s O.Ms No. 18017/1/2014-Estt.(L) dated 25.02.2015 and No. 25012/1/2015-Estt.(A-W) dated 19.05.2015 referred to in the enclosed O.M. dated 30.09.2016, have been adopted on . Railways vide this office’s letter E(P&A)I-2017/CPC/LE-5 dated 30.08.2017.
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