Family pension at enhanced rates will be payable for 7 years or till the deceased retired government servant would have attained the age of 67 years had he survived
Enhanced Family Pension Payable up to 7 years
Government of India
Ministry of Finance,
Department of Expenditure
Central Pension Accounting Office
Trikoot-ll, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi-110056
Phones: 26174596, 26174456, 26174438
Office Memorandum
Subject: Date up to which enhanced family pension payable.
Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare has clarified vide its ID No. 1/1(5)2018-P&PW (E) 32206 dated 12-04-2018 that family pension at enhanced rates will be payable for 7 years or till the deceased retired government servant would have attained the age of 67 years had he survived, whichever is less, irrespective of type of retirement, date of retirement and age of superannuation applicable in the case of retired Govt. servant. This would equally apply in all Central Civil Govt. Departments/ Offices including Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF) and Medical Officers.
This issues with the approval of Chief Controller (Pensions).
(Md. Shahid Kamal Ansari)
Asstt. Controller of Accounts
Ph.No. 011-26103074
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My father retired in April 2018 and died in Oct 2018. The very next day of recieving the letter of CVP . Family pension has been started to my mother however CVP amount letter has been revised and came with the equal distribution of the money to our siblings. Now the concern is this, if we collect the CVP amount , will the Family pension be reduced as it’s already stated in PPO book that full pension will be given till the April 2024.
Can you just help me on this ?