Fixation of TRCA in new TRCA matrix and payment of Arrears

Instructions on Fixation of TRCA in new TRCA matrix and payment of Arrears

Fixation of TRCA and payment of Arrears

The responsibility of fixation of TRCA in the new TRCA matrix with effect from 1.7.2018 rests with the Divisional Superintendent of Post Offices/RMS units for all GDS working under their jurisdiction. In respect of GDSs working in independent units like Gazetted HOs in charge of Senior Postmaster/ Chief Postmaster, the fixation will be done by the Senior / Chief PM.

2. The respective authorities shall fix the TRCA of all the GDSs under their jurisdiction with reference to their existing work load, Basic TRCA drawn as on 1.7.2018 and send the names of GDSs with a statement of fixation of TRCA in the new TRCA matrix as on 1.7.2018 as per the given instructions. Obtaining undertaking from the GDS as per proforma in Annexure IV is pre-requisite for payment of arrears. The undertaking obtained from the GDSs should be kept in a separate guard file in the Divisional office which should be preserved permanently.

3. Any excess payment made on account of arrears or wrong fixation of TRCA in the new TRCA matrix will be the responsibility of the Drawing Disbursing Officer. The officials at fault shall be made accountable, in case of any court cases on over payment of arrears / wrong fixation of TRCA.

4. The work relating to merging of different TRCA slabs with work load less than 4 hours, and those having workload of 41/z hours should be completed and establishment orders to the effect should be issued before 30 June 2018. The revised TRCA slabs as per Table 1 of this OM shall take effect from 1.7,2018. In case of more than one ABPM is working in a Branch office/ Dak Sevaks in departmental office, those ABPMs/ Dak Sevaks should be assigned designation as ABPM I/ABPM II/ABPM III/Dak Sevak I/Dak Sevak II etc.

5. The Divisional Superintendent shall constitute a special cell, if required, for the purpose. Similarly, the DDOs shall draw the payment from 1.1.2016 to 30.6.2018 by preparing due drawn statement and after adjusting the TRCA including DA already paid and arrange payment. The calculation of arrears according to instructions at Para-6 may be initiated immediately so as to ensure payment latest by 15th July 2018. Likewise, the process of fixation of TRCA in the new TRCA matrix as at para 2.2 may be completed before 25th July 2018. With regard to the payment of arrears, an undertaking in the prescribed format (Annexure-Iv) should be obtained from each Gramin Dak Sevak and kept on record before disbursement of the arrears.

6. The Divisional Superintendent will arrange to communicate the names of Branch Postmasters and Assistant Branch Postmasters who attend to the combined duty as per the revised rates in Annexure I, which is reproduced below:

BPM for delivery OR Mail conveyance work – Rs.145/- per day subject to maximum of Rs.1170/- per month

BPM for delivery PLUS mail conveyance – Rs.90/- per day subject to maximum of Rs.2340/- per month

ABPM for BPM work – Rs.75/- pet day subject to a maximum of Rs.1950/- per month.

ABPM/Dak Sevak for additional work of another ABPM/Dak Sevak- Rs.45/- per day subject to a maximum of Rs.117o/-

The above rates will be for combination of duties of two or more posts borne on the establishment of the concerned Post office.

7. The Regional Director of Postal Services/ Postmaster General shall carry out verification of 10% fixation of TRCA cases while inspecting the Divisional Office.

8. The Circle Postal Accounts Office shall carry out cent percent verification of fixation of TRCA, consequent on revision, by 31.12.2018. Discrepancies, if any, be got settled on the spot. Excess arrears due to wrong fixation shall be listed and reported to Regional Director of Postal services/ Postmaster General/Chief Postmaster General concerned.

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