KV School Online Admission 2019 Schedule

KV School Online Admission 2019 Schedule

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan is all set to start the Admission for 2019-20 through Online. It has sent the Admission Schedule to all KVs to process the admission for they academic year 2019-2020 . As per the Schedule Online admission starts on 1st march 2019 from 8.00 AM and ends on 19-3-2019 up to 4.00 PM. The admission Notification will be published in the end of February 2019.

(Min. of HRD, Deptt. of Education, Govt. of India)
18-lnstitutional Area
Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg
New Delhi – 110016 Tel: 26858570,
Fax No. 011-26514179

F.No.110331/01/2017-18/KVS(HQ)/ Acad


The Deputy Commissioner
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
Regional Offices/ ZIETs

Sub: Schedule for Admission for the Academic Session 2019-20-reg:

Please find enclosed herewith schedule for Admission for the Academic Session 2019-20 for your kind perusal & necessary action.[ Click See to the Time Table]

You are further request to kindly forward the same to all Kendriya Vidyalayas of your Region with the instruction to upload the same in their Vidyalaya website and put the same on Vidyalaya notice Board. A copy of this schedule may be uploaded in RO Website also.

KV School Online Admission 2019 Schedule

This issues with the approval of competent authority.

Encl. As above

Yours faithfully
(Dr. P. DevaKumar)

KV School Online Admission 2019 Schedule

Click to See KV Admission Guidelines

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