Clarification regarding fixation of pay under Rule 13 on promotion in various situations where feeder and promotional categories lie in same level in the Pay Matrix
feeder and promotion posts are in same level in Pay Matrix
Ministry of Railways (Rail Mantralaya)
(Railway Board)
PC-VII No.152
File No.PC-VIM/2016/I/6/7
RBE No. 23/2020
New Delhi, dated : 18.02.2020
The General Managers/CAOs(R),
All India Railways & Production Units,
(As per mailing list)
Sub: Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016 – Clarification regarding fixation of pay under Rule 13 on promotion in various situations where feeder and promotional categories lie in same level in the Pay Matrix.
Consequent to implementation of 7th CPC recommendations, doubts have been arisen on applicability of provisions under Rule 1313 (FR-22)(I)(a)(I) of R-II vis-a-vis Rule 13 of Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016 in cases where certain feeder and promotional posts of Railways lie in the same/identical Level(s) in the Pay Matrix.
During 6th CPC pay regime, similar situations were arisen and the matter was examined in consultation with Ministry of Finance and Federations and detailed instructions were issued vide Board’s letter No. PC-VI/2011/IC/1 dated 12.09.2013 (RBE No. 95/2013).
In the Pay Matrix recommended by 7th CPC, only replacement scales have been recommended for the categories covered under Board’s letter dated 12.09.2013 and no changes in circumstances have been observed, therefore, the guidelines contained therein will continue to be applicable in respect of following categories :-

This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of Ministry of Railways. However, above have been done only on provisional basis and is subject to the concurrence of Ministry of Finance. Further, it may be ensured that before the benefit is extended, a declaration from the concerned employee may be obtained to refund the amount in case, Ministry of Finance does not agree to this proposal.
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